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With Pan and Henry gone, Juliet was left with the Lost Boys. She sat by the fire as the boys celebrated. The celebration didn't last long, as a purple wave washed over all of the boys, rendering them unconscious. As they fell to the ground, Juliet stood up, searching for the source of the magic. 

"Who's there?" She asked, balling her hands into fists. She was fully prepared to defend herself. But she dropped her hands as soon as she saw her aunt walk through the bushes. 

"Juliet?" She asked. "What are you doing here?" Behind Regina, the rest of the group walked into the clearing. 

"I got to Neverland around the same time you did." She shot a glare at Rumple. 

"How did you get here? We had the only magic bean." Juliet shrugged. 

"I have no idea. But, here I am." Next to Regina, Emma sighed. 

"Alright, we're getting off topic." She turned to Juliet. "Where is Henry?" Juliet looked in the direction that Henry and Pan had gone. 

"He's with Peter." At the mention of the immortal boy, everyone in the group tensed. 

"And where are they?" Neal asked. Before Juliet could get a word in, they heard a voice. 

"Help!" All heads turned towards the trees. Emma ran off to find the noise, and everyone followed. The voice was coming from a young girl in a cage. Emma bent down to the girl's eye level. The girl looked at Emma. "You're an... an adult." Juliet folded her arms. She did not know there was a girl locked in the cage on the island. 

"My name is Emma. I'm looking for my son." The rest of the group came over and Neal seemed to recognize the girl. 

"Wendy?" He asked, and the girl looked up at him. 

"Do I know you?" Neal smiled. 

"It's Baelfire." Wendy's eyes widened. Emma turned to face Neal.

"You two know each other?" 

"Bae?" The girl smiled. Neal bent down to her eye level. 

"Yeah. Yeah, we do." He answered Emma. 

"Can it really be you?" Wendy asked in disbelief. Neal picked up a coconut and started hitting it against the bars of the cage. Once it was open, the girl ran into his arms. "I thought I'd never see you again." 

"What are you... what are you doing here?" Neal asked, and Wendy brushed her hair away from her face. 

"Well, I came back to save you." Neal smiled. 

"You did that for me?" Wendy nodded. 

"Well, I couldn't bear for you to be without a family. Not after you told us that your mother and father were both dead." Juliet snorted, and Rumple gave her a look. He turned back to his son with a shocked look. 

"You told her I was dead?" Neal shrugged. 

"It's easier than telling the truth. My own father abandoned me." 

Join the club. Juliet thought to herself. 

They walked back to the camp and gave Wendy a blanket. After she had sat down, Neal went to ask her a few questions. 

"Hey, Wendy, since you've been here, have you seen my son? His name's Henry." Wendy tilted her head. 

"You have a son?" Neal nodded.

"Yeah. Pan needs his heart." Juliet raised an eyebrow. Pan never said anything about Henry's heart.

"Has he said anything about the heart of the truest believer?" Emma asked. Wendy shook her head. 

"No. I'm sorry. He never mentioned anything about a heart." Rumple scoffed.

"She's lying." He pointed the sword in his hand in her direction. "Where is he?" David and Neal went to stop him from charging at the poor girl. 

"What the hell are you doing?" David asked. 

"I've carried enough lies in my life to recognize their burden." Rumple kept his eyes on Wendy. "She knows where Henry is." Neal looked at her. 

"Is that true?" Wendy sighed.

"You don't understand." Her voice was starting to shake. "He's keeping John and Michael alive. Only if I do as he says." Juliet folded her arms. This did not sound like the Peter Pan she knew. 

"Trust me. Whatever he's promised, he will go back on his word." Wendy turned to Rumple. 

"And why should I trust a man who abandoned his own son?" Regina sighed. 

"Because your brothers did." Wendy looked at Regina. "They trusted a woman named Belle. They helped her get this box so we can defeat Pan." Wendy sighed in relief.

"They're okay?" Rumple nodded. 

"For now. And only if we succeed." Neal crouched down.

"Wendy, we will save John and Michael, I swear to God. But right now, I really need your help. Please." Wendy sighed.

"Pan told Henry that he needs his heart to save magic. It's a lie. He needs it to save himself." Juliet tilted her head. 

"What do you mean?" Hook asked. 

"Pan's dying. He needs the heart of the truest believer to absorb all the magic in Neverland. And once he does, he will be immortal, all powerful." Juliet took a step back, not liking where this was going. 

"And what happens to Henry?" Snow asked. 

"Well it's a trade." Wendy responded. "When Pan lives, Henry will die." Juliet's heart dropped. She felt like she was going to be sick. 

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