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Emma swung at the fence, but nothing. Snow sighed. "It couldn't hold Rumplestltskin, give it a break." Emma kept swinging. "Yeah, then how did Juliet escape?" Outside, Juliet rolled her eyes. "Like I said before, I don't know."

Her eyes fell on the the paper. "Emma? That's the squid ink." Emma raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" Juliet looked at Emma. "The paper, that's squid ink." Snow stood up, and grabbed the paper. "Are you sure?" Juliet nodded. "I was on Neverland for three years, I know squid ink when I see it." Snow nodded.

Snow blew on the paper, and the words flew off the page and melted the fence. Juliet clapped her hands. "Alright, let's go." Aurora shook her head. "You have to tie me up. I cannot be trusted as long as Cora has my heart." Mulan nodded. "I will get it back for you." Juliet nodded, and they left to confront Cora.

When they got to Lake Nostos, Juliet looked around. As soon as she noticed Cora, she ran down to the lake. Snow chuckled at the teenager's impulsiveness. Cora threw a fireball at them, and Juliet ducked. "Here's the thing, Cora. You're not the only one here that can use magic." Juliet extended her palm, and shot a teal fireball at Cora.

Cora deflected the fireball, and it went flying back at Juliet. Juliet rolled her eyes, and she waved her hand. It sent Cora flying back, and the satchel went flying over the lake. Hook reached back and grabbed the satchel. Juliet looked around, searching for Cora.

Emma stood up. "Let's go home." Juliet ran over to Emma, and grabbed her hand. Snow went too, and the three prepared to jump. Before they could, Cora threw them back. Juliet yelled in pain.

Next thing she knew, Cora was in the process of grabbing Emma's heart, but Emma wouldn't let her. Cora fell down, and Juliet stood up. "Let's go now, talk later." The three jumped into the lake, on the way home.

The way home was long, and Juliet closed her eyes the whole way. It reminded her of her 16th birthday. She opened her eyes to see she was in a well. She reached up and climbed out of the well. Right behind her was Emma and Snow. As soon as she got over, she looked at Henry. Henry was shocked, and so was Rumplestiltskin. "Juliet?" Juliet nodded, then sat down on the ground.

"What happened?" Henry nodded. "She saved you. She saved all of you." He gestured to Regina.

Later, Juliet walked through main street. After the Enchanted Forest, she was dying to have some good food. She really needed food after what happened. She was still stunned by the fact that she broke out of a cell that was meant to keep in Rumple. She had to find her mom, so that she could explain what happened.

She heard a voice behind her. "Juliet, you're back." She turned her head to see Paisley, who had her arms folded. Juliet ran to hug her best friend. "You would not believe the experience I just had." Paisley chuckled. "Try me." Juliet tilted her head. "I broke out of a cell meant to hold Mr. Gold." Paisley's eyes widened. "Oh wow." Juliet scoffed. "Yeah, I know."

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