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Juliet sat down next to Aurora. "How often do you see Henry in this room?" Aurora tilted her head. "This was the third time. Why? Do you know him?" Juliet looked up at Emma, who was watching the two girls. "Yeah, he's my cousin." Aurora nodded.

At this moment, Emma held out a picture of Henry. "The boy you saw in your dream... is this him?" Aurora took the picture and looked at it. "Yes, that's Henry." Juliet looked up at Emma and Snow. Emma shook her head. "That's impossible. It's a dream, how could you dream of my son."

Juliet raised an eyebrow. "Actually, I don't think it was a dream." Emma's eyes widened. "What the hell does that mean?" Juliet shrugged. "I'm just saying that this might be a side effect of the sleeping curse. Henry went through the curse, and so did Aurora. That might be why she saw him."

Snow nodded. "It's true. That room, I've been there." Juliet nodded. "See?" Aurora tilted her head. "When I told you about it, you didn't say anything." Snow sighed. "You were terrified, I didn't want to make things worse by telling you I thought it might be real."

Aurora was growing infuriated. "What else did you lie about?" Juliet grabbed Aurora's hand. "Hey, she was just trying to calm you down." She said in a soothing voice, but Aurora kept her gaze locked on Snow.

To clear up the tension, Emma changed the subject. "What did he say? Henry, in the dream?" Aurora sighed. "He just told me his name. And then I woke up, and it was over?"

As they were talking, Juliet heard a voice in the distance. "Juliet", the voice said. It sounded oddly familiar. Curious, she started to follow it. The others didn't need her at that point, so she journeyed into the woods. "Juliet" Juliet looked around, hoping to find the source of the voice. As she got to a dead end, she still heard the voice.

"Juliet?" Juliet turned around. "Hello? Who is it?" She saw a figure in the distance. "Why did you bring me out here?" The figure walked closer, and by the time she saw the figure's face, it threw a handful of poppy seeds in her face. She grew incredibly drowsy, and suddenly, everything was black.

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