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As the group started to leave to find shelter, Juliet noticed Regina was still staring at the castle. Not being able to even look at the castle, Juliet followed the group. 

"Seems like old times, doesn't it?" Ruby asked Mary Margaret, who was walking next to her. Juliet could overhear their conversation. "Except not running from Regina but with her."  Mary Margaret nodded.

"She's changed. I have to believe for the better." Ruby sighed. 

"I hope it sticks. But regardless, she doesn't look too good." She looked over at Regina. "If she hadn't tried to hurt us so many times, I might be worried about her." 

"I'll talk to her." Mary Margaret replied, walking over to Regina. "You ready to make camp soon, Regina?" Regina said nothing, still staring at the castle. "You're thinking about Henry, aren't you?" 

"I'm always thinking about Henry." Regina sighed. "But I was also thinking..." She turned to the road and started walking with Mary Margaret. "there are tunnels that run under the castle. They may run beneath the spell."

"Which means we can sneak an army inside." David suggested, and Regina shook her head. 

"An army would be detected." 

"So how do the tunnels help us?" Mary Margaret asked. Regina smirked.

"Because it can get me inside. And if I can get inside, then I can lower the shield." She looked at David. "Then you can send in your army." 

Suddenly, they heard a screeching noise come from above. Juliet looked up and her eyes widened in horror. The flying monkey was back. It flew down towards them.

"Incoming!" Neal shouted, and Snow drew her bow. The monkey flew toward the group until it spotted Juliet. It seemed to pause for a moment. Juliet was almost paralyzed in fear. It definitely knew who she was. 

The monkey gave a quieter screeching noise before turning its attention to the little boy standing in the middle. It flew at him.

"Papa!" The boy cried out. 

"Roland!" The guy from earlier, who Juliet learned was Robin Hood, ran toward the boy. Juliet assumed was his son. Before the monkey had a chance to strike, Regina grabbed Roland and carried him out of the way. The monkey flew up and circled back to attack again.

"Not so fast!" Regina exclaimed, waving her hand. The monkey was quickly surrounded in purple smoke, until it fell to the ground. When the smoke dissipated, the monkey had been turned into a stuffed animal. Regina went to pick up the stuffed animal, handing it to Roland. "See? Not so scary. Now you have a new toy." She smiled. 

"Thank you." Robin Hood sighed in relief. The group crowded around. 

"What the hell was that thing?" David asked. 

"The same kind of monster that attacked us on our journey here." Mary Margaret noted. Leroy chuckled.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say it looked an awful lot like a monkey." This confused David.

"A monkey with wings?" Juliet nodded, trying to not show the terror she was feeling. 

"Yes. That's exactly what it is." Regina replied. Neal furrowed his brows.

"Okay. You're acting like that's normal." 

"Actually it is." Belle responded. "But not here. There's only one land that has creatures like that. I've read about it. Oz." Juliet felt tears begin to well up, and she looked up at the sky, willing them to go away. 

"Oz?" Mary Margaret asked. "That's a real place?" Regina nodded.

"The bookworm's right. It's quite real. And if our simian friend is any indication, then I think we know exactly who's taking up residence in our castle." Don't say it. Don't say it. "The Wicked Witch." Juliet suddenly felt sick to her stomach. She turned around and ran a few yards into the woods. She doubled over, throwing up onto the ground. This was not happening. Juliet was not ready to see her again. And if Regina ever found out who Juliet really was, Juliet was screwed. 

"You okay?" She heard a voice behind her. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she turned around to see Mary Margaret and David. Juliet nodded, faking a smile.

"Yeah. I think just being back here, and the adrenaline rush from the monkey." She started to walk back to the group.

When she got back to the group, she noticed Regina was not there. "Where did Regina go?" She asked. 

"She's going to lower the shield." Juliet's eyes widened. If Regina was going to lower the shield, she might run into her. Juliet immediately turned around to follow after Regina. "Juliet, where are you going?" Juliet ignored Mary Margaret, and started running. 

By the time Juliet had got to the tunnel, Regina had gone through. Juliet was about to follow, but hesitated. She didn't know what she was going to find in the castle, and something told her it wouldn't be good. She took a deep breath. Her hesitations would not do anyone any good. She needed to follow Regina. 

Juliet shook her head before running into the tunnel. It was a long winding tunnel. The entire time, dread filled her mind. But she pushed through.

At the end of the tunnel was stairs. This was it, there was no going back now. She headed up the stairs and was very confused at what she saw. Robin Hood was standing by himself. 

"What are you doing?" She whispered. He turned his head to face her. A look of relief washed over his face.

"The Evil Queen trapped me here. I can't move. You have to help me." Juliet ran over to look at the spell keeping him planted in the same spot. 

"Okay, I can do this." She reassured herself. Waving her hand, the spell on Robin Hood's feet disappeared. He took a step forward.

"Thank you." Juliet nodded.

"Where's Regina?" Before Robin Hood had a chance to answer, she heard a noise coming from the balcony. Robin grabbed his bow, but Juliet shook her head. "Just be careful. You don't know what you're dealing with." Robin tilted his head.

"And you do?" Juliet sighed.

"All too well." She then ran out onto the balcony. Before she got there, she shouted out "Regina!" As soon as she saw what was in front of her, she stopped dead in her tracks. Regina was standing face to face with Zelena. Memories of her sixteenth birthday popped up in her head. The Wicked Witch chuckled.

"Oh, well isn't this quite the reunion. Hello, Juliet." Juliet's heart rate quickened and her breath hitched. 

"What are you doing here?" Zelena faked a shocked expression.

"That's no way to say hello after all these years. Didn't I teach you anything?" Juliet warily walked down the stairs to their level. Regina raised an eyebrow, looking confused.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Zelena smirked, looking at Juliet. 

"Juliet hasn't told you?" Juliet's eyes widened. Zelena was about to destroy her entire life. 

"Please don't do this." She whispered. Regina looked at Juliet.

"Don't do what?" Zelena grabbed Juliet by the shoulder, bringing her in to a side hug. Juliet flinched at the contact. She pushed herself away, trying to keep herself from having a full blown panic attack. 

"Juliet here, is my daughter." Juliet shut her eyes, trying to block out the scene in front of her. "And your niece." Regina looked from Juliet to Zelena. 

"Is this true?" Juliet couldn't look her in the eye. Realization dawned on Regina. Everything Zelena was saying was true. Zelena chuckled.

"Well, I'd like to stay and chat, but I've got things to do." She summoned her broom. "See you soon, sis." Letting go of Juliet and getting on her broom, she flew away cackling. Once she was gone, Regina immediately rushed inside. 

"Regina, wait!" Juliet cried, but Regina ignored her. Juliet sank to the ground, clutching at her chest, tears forming in her eyes. She felt like she couldn't breathe. 

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