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Juliet woke up the next morning to find Peter sitting next to her, waiting for her to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and turned to face him. 

"Good morning." He said with a smile. Juliet sat up. "I thought we could go for a walk. I have something I want to talk to you about." Juliet tilted her head. She wasn't sure what this was about. But she was eager to spend time alone with Pan without Lost Boys. 

"Okay." She responded, a little hesitant. The two stood up and started walking into the woods. 

As they walked, Pan kept his eyes on Juliet. After all these years of waiting for her to return, here she was by his side. Everything was lining up how it should. Except he could see the uncertainty in her eyes. 

He knew she had spent all these years with the Evil Queen and for the past eleven years, Henry. He had never told her about his plan for Henry, and he knew that once he told her, everything would change. It was the one part of his plan that worried him. 

When they stopped, Juliet looked around. They were on a beach, facing the water. 

"This is my favorite spot on the island." Pan remarked. "Has been ever since I first set foot here." Juliet chuckled.

"I remember. You brought me here before I got taken to the Enchanted Forest." She looked at Pan. "So what did you want to tell me?" Pan sighed. 

"It's about Henry." Juliet folded her arms. 

"What about him?" Pan had to think of a way to word this so that Juliet wouldn't turn on him. 

"Before you came to Neverland, I found a seer to find out the future of Neverland and my place in it. After looking into the future, the seer drew this on a piece of paper." He pulled out the paper in his pocket and gave it to Juliet. The redhead opened the piece of paper to see Henry's face on it. Immediately, she dropped it, stepping back.

"What is that? Why do you have a piece of paper with Henry's face on it?" Pan held up his hands. 

"I can explain everything, I promise." Juliet looked up from the ground. 

"Then start explaining." Pan sighed, looking back out at the water. 

"The island is dying." Juliet's eyes widened. "It has been for quite some time. And if the island dies, the magic disappears, and I will die. That is why I went to seek out the seer. I needed answers. And Henry is the key to saving it." 

"How?" Juliet asked. 

"I need to take him to Skull Rock when he's ready, and he needs to believe in the island. I don't quite know the rest yet. That's what I've been doing these past few days." Juliet looked back at the piece of paper, contemplating what she just heard. 

"So Henry is the only person who can save Neverland?" Pan nodded. Juliet chuckled. "I guess it runs in his family." Pan smiled. 

"Alright, now we should probably head back. I need to get Henry ready." He held out his hand, and Juliet took it.

When they got back to camp, Pan went to go talk to Henry. After a few minutes, they came back into the camp. Pan stepped up onto a stone to address the Lost Boys.

"My brothers!" He shouted. "Tonight, the dream of Neverland will awaken from its slumber. Tonight, the heart of the truest believer shall fulfill its destiny, and with it our destiny. Tonight, Henry saves magic!" The Lost Boys started cheering. 

After the cheering died down, Pan went over to Juliet. "When I return, the magic will be restored and we can be together forever." He leaned forward and kissed Juliet. Juliet kissed him back for a moment, then went over to Henry. 

"Good luck, kid." Henry smiled and enveloped her in a hug. 

"Thanks, Juliet." Breaking away from the hug, he turned around and followed Pan toward Skull Rock. Juliet smiled. Even though she had a bad feeling about whatever was going to happen, she pushed it down. Everything was going to be okay.

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