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Zelena stepped outside and started talking to the munchkins, who were terrified. 

"So, I heard someone of the Munchkin persuasion tipped off Dorothy that I was still alive. Since you're all so fond of tattling, I'll give you the chance to make it up to me. Where can I find the Scarecrow?!" One of the munchkins cowered in fear. 

"We don't know. We swear." Zelena waved her hand, and the munchkin turned into a pile of ash.

"Did that make loosen your bearded lips? Or do you want to turn into a pile of ashes as well?"

Suddenly, a voice piped up behind her.

"Now. Now. No need to make even more of a mess." Zelena turned around. 

"Who the hell are you?" The man stepped forward. 

"Who the hell am I? That question is more appropriate than you know. Please... allow me to introduce myself. I am Hades." Zelena looked him up and down. 

"Really. King of the Underworld." Hades lit his hair on fire, and the munchkins cowered in fear. 

"Yes. My reputation proceeds me." He kissed Zelena's hand.

(Three weeks later)

"Goodbye Zelena." Hades said with a bow as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke." Zelena walked over to her mirror. She waved her hand, and suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She waved her hand again to figure out why this pain happened.

The image on the mirror was a small child, inside of her. Zelena's eyes widened. 

"Wha- What is that?"

"That is the child inside of you." Zelena jumped up and turned around to see Glinda standing there. 

"I'm pregnant?" Glinda smiled. 

"Only a month pregnant. But I assume this child is the spawn of the god of death." Zelena cocked her head. 

"Hades?" Glinda nodded, warily. 

"There is no telling what this child may be able to do." Zelena's eyes dropped.

Suddenly, Glinda looked at Zelena's face, and handed her a mirror. 

"What is this for?" Glinda dropped her hand. 

"Check your reflection." Zelena looked at herself in the mirror and gasped. 

"I'm no longer green." Glinda smiled. 

"Yes. You have no reason to be jealous of your sister. You have something she can't have." Zelena grinned. 

"So, you're saying that as long as I keep this child, I have something Regina doesn't?" Glinda nodded, and Zelena's grin got much wider. "Then I'm keeping this child."

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