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All around Juliet was blue light. She shuddered. The last time she was in a portal by herself was when her mother sent her away. But this time was different. Instead of being sent away, she was going to get her cousin back. 

She fell to the ground. Moving her hand, she could feel that she was on sand. Slowly, Juliet looked up. One one side of her was the ocean. On the other side were trees. It was dark, but she knew exactly where she was. 

She was back in Neverland. Greg and Tamara took Henry to Neverland. She put her hands on her hips. She was going to have to walk around the island to find him. And there was also a reunion she had to worry about. 

Sighing, Juliet started into the forest. She heard a distant roaring, and she shuddered. After all this time, the shadow still scared her. 

Eventually, she got to a clearing. She saw two bodies on the ground, and she went to check to see if they were alive. As she got closer, she noticed an arrow in one of the bodies, and she recognized them. It was Greg and Tamara. But Henry wasn't with them. Tamara was slowly crawling towards Greg. 

Juliet heard a rustle in the bushes, and she fled into the trees. She came to a stop after a few minutes of running. After all this time, she couldn't believe how much of Neverland she remembered. 

All of a sudden, Juliet heard a creak behind her. She formed a ball of fire in her hand, and turning around, she threw it at a tree. It barely missed her target. The blonde girl following her put her hands up. 

"Easy. Watch where you throw that fireball." Juliet recognized the girl. She smiled.

"Tink?" She ran towards the blonde and almost tackled her giving her a hug. Tink chuckled.

"What are you doing here? I thought you left." Juliet scoffed. 

"Okay, first of all, I didn't leave. I was taken out of here. Second of all, I'm here because my cousin was kidnapped and brought here. So I'm here to get him back." Tink dropped her hands. 

"Your cousin was brought here?" Juliet nodded. 

"Yeah, well the two people who brought him here are dead, so he probably just ran off." Tink shook her head. 

"Juliet, if he's here, it's only a matter of time until he becomes a lost boy. Then it won't be so easy to get him back home." Juliet sighed. 

"I have to find him. The rest of our family is in a different world, so it's just me and him here. I need to find him." Tink nodded. 

"Well you might need some supplies to find him. My place is nearby." Juliet looked around. 

"Okay." They started walking. "You know, it's been so long that I thought I would forget this place. But now that I'm back, it feels like I never left." Tink sighed. 

"This place has that effect. For good and for bad." Juliet stopped walking. 

"How have you been all these years?" Tink shrugged. 

"I've been alright. It doesn't beat the Enchanted Forest, and I still don't have my wings, but I'm doing alright here." Juliet sighed. She could understand where Tink was coming from. They were both in similar situations. They both lost their home and ended up in Neverland. 

They got to Tink's home, which was in a tree. Juliet laughed. 

"Of course. I forgot you lived in a tree." Tink scoffed. 

"If you don't like the tree, you can leave." Juliet shook her head and started climbing up the ladder. 

"I never said I didn't like it. I'm just saying, once a fairy, always a fairy." Tink smiled. Once they got up to the tree house, Tink started handing Juliet some items. 

"Here, these should help you find your cousin. And I think you know which paths to avoid." Juliet nodded. 

"Right. Yes." She gave Tink a hug. 

"Thanks. I really missed you." Tink nodded. 

"Anytime kid." Juliet set out to find her cousin. 

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