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"And you're sure Cora never said anything about her?" David asked. Since Zelena left Granny's, the group was sitting at the counter. Regina scoffed.

"I think I would remember if my mother told me she had a love child with a scarecrow." Juliet chuckled.

"It doesn't matter if Zelena is your sister or not." Emma started. "She wants you dead, any idea why?" Regina shook her head.

"I never even met her before today."

"Doesn't mean you didn't do something to piss her off." Emma responded.

"You did manage to step on a lot of toes back in our world." Tinkerbell piped in. Regina rolled her eyes.

"Well, none of them were green."

"Then there's the missing year. Maybe you did something to her then." Granny inserted herself into the conversation, walking over.

"Stick to the lasagna, lady." Regina commented. "It's starting to sound like you all are on her side."

"I'm not." Juliet argued. Regina got up, grabbing her coat.

"Where are you going?" Emma asked.

"To find out exactly what this witch thinks I did to her." Putting on her coat, she left the diner. Emma sighed and turned to Juliet.

"Do you know why Zelena wants her dead?" Juliet said nothing, trying to find a way to explain the sixteen years worth of hatred she experienced.

"I might. But it's a long story. Like, longer than I've been alive." She looked down at her hands. "She spent my entire life hating Regina. And I don't know all the details of why, I just know it has something to do with Cora. And Rumple." She sighed, deflecting the conversation so that she didn't have to say more. "Anyways, we should go find Regina."

Mary Margaret and Emma went to Regina's vault to help her find something. Whatever Regina found must have been important, because she had fled to the woods with the letter. Juliet decided to go after her. She didn't want to tell the whole story to Emma and the Charmings, but she felt she needed to tell Regina.

When she got to the woods, Robin Hood and Regina were talking. She took a breath, stepping into the clearing.

"Regina?" Regina looked up to see the redhead standing a few feet in front of her. "Can I talk to you for a second?" She looked at Robin Hood, who nodded and stood up.

"I'll be around." Regina looked back at Juliet.

"How did you find me here?" Juliet shrugged.

"I saw you going into the woods." She sat down on the log next to Regina.

"What are you doing here? You here to tell me that I have no chance in hell of beating Zelena?" Juliet shook her head.

"No. I just needed to..." She fiddled with her hands. "I wanted to apologize to you. For not telling you about Zelena."

"Which part?" Regina asked. "The part about her being your mother, or the part about her being my sister." Juliet sighed.

"Both, I guess. I didn't say anything because I thought I would never see her again, and I never wanted to. And also, because for a time, I hated you just as much as she did." Regina's eyes widened.

"What?" Juliet looked down at her hands.

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure that's why, in the curse, I was your niece. My entire life, I just wanted my mom to love me, and I think she did in the beginning. But after a few years, I realized that no matter what I did, she hated you more than she loved me. I mean, she abandoned me so that she could focus on you. And I hated you for it." She fought back tears.

"Until the curse ended, and I realized you had no idea who she was, or who I was. And she had given me up for no reason. After that, I stopped hating you and started hating her." She looked back up at Regina, tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before, I just didn't know what to say and I didn't want you to hate me." Regina sighed, grabbing Juliet's hands.

"I don't hate you, Juliet. You've actually been one of the only people in this town who has always believed in me. And I know what it's like growing up with a complicated mother." She looked back at the letter she had been holding. "She's more powerful than I am, I'm not going to win this fight." Juliet shook her head.

"You are. I know you are, because over the last thirty years, I've gotten to know you. You were the Evil Queen, you were the one Gold chose to cast the curse. And you're going to win this fight." Regina smiled.

"Anybody else want to give it a go?" Zelena dared. Gold had just shoved Emma to the ground after she challenged the wicked witch. The crowd was silent, fearing for their lives.

"I do." All heads turned to see Regina walking over to Zelena. Juliet fell in line with the crowd. "Didn't anyone ever tell you? Black is my color." Zelena chuckled.

But it looks so much better on me. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up." Regina shook her head.

"I couldn't let my sister off that easily." Zelena raised an eyebrow.

"Oh. So you've finally accepted me into the family?"

"I've accepted that we shared a mother, yes." Regina responded. "But I still have one question. What the hell did I ever do to you?" Zelena sneered.

"Isn't it obvious?" She leaned closer to speak directly in her ear. "You were born." As soon as the words left her mouth, Regina slapped her so hard, blood pooled on the side of her mouth.

"I've been waiting to do that all day." Regina remarked. Zelena smirked.

"Rumplestiltskin can't save you this time." She took a step forward. "He should have chosen me."

"Who?" Regina asked.

"Rumplestiltskin." Regina scoffed.

"That's what this is about? You're jealous of me?" She took a step back and waved her hand. Above them, the traffic light swayed in the wind and went crashing down. Before it could hit the witch, Zelena threw it out of the way.

"You still don't realize what you had. You never did. You got everything I ever wanted. And you didn't even deserve it! But I'm going to take it all from you." She extended her hand, and Regina went flying back into one of the cars. Regina stood up, lighting a fireball in her hand. Immediately, Zelena turned the fire green and snuffed it out. She then started choking Regina.

"You can't beat me, little sis. Everything Rumplestiltskin taught you, he taught me too. But I was the better student." She turned around and sent Regina crashing through the giant clock.  With a wave of her hand, she teleported into the clock tower. Juliet looked at Emma, David, and Mary Margaret. The four of them went running to the tower.

Emma was the first to open the door.

"You all right?" She asked Regina once Zelena was gone.

"I'm still alive, aren't I?" The four ran up the stairs.

"Gold disappeared." David exclaimed. "We thought that meant..."

"She defeated me? Hardly."

"You won?" Mary Margaret asked, and Regina scoffed.

"Well, don't act so surprised. As it turns out, Zelena wanted my heart. It's a good thing I wasn't stupid enough to bring it with me."

"Any idea why she wants it?" David asked.

"Well, she got your courage." Regina pointed out. "And wants my heart. Those are ingredients."

"For what? A curse?" Emma asked.

"We're already in Storybrooke." Snow stated. "We've already lost our memories. What else could she do to us?"

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