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Juliet slept late, and it was the first night that she slept well since Emma first came to Storybrooke. But when she woke up, she saw commotion outside of the house. She walked over to the window. "What the hell is going on?" She ran downstairs, and ran all the way to the sheriff's station.

Inside, she saw Emma and Charming interrogating Regina. "What's happening?" Snow sighed. "Regina killed Archie." Juliet shook her head. "That's not possible, she was at the house the entire night." Snow shrugged. "I don't know, Juliet."

Emma walked out. "Juliet? What are you doing here, you're supposed to be in school." Juliet folded her arms. "The curse is broken, I don't need to go to school. Why is Regina in there? She didn't kill Archie." Emma nodded. "I don't think she killed him, either." Snow and Charming turned to look at her. "What?" Emma sighed. "The old Regina would've reduced this building to ashes. That's a woman who wants to change. She just wants everyone else to see it."

Charming shook his head. "With all due respect, you don't know her like we do." Juliet rolled her eyes. "Well, maybe that's the problem. I know in your kingdom, she was the evil queen. But here, she's Regina." Juliet nodded, and opened the door to the interrogation room.

Regina's expression lit up when she walked in the room. "Juliet, what are you doing here?" Juliet smiled. "I wanted to make sure everyone knows you didn't kill him." Regina sighed. "I don't think that'll be easy. To everyone, I'm still the Evil Queen." Juliet nodded. "I think Emma's going to let you go." Regina tilted her head. "You really think so?" Juliet nodded.
When Regina was released, she smiled at Juliet. Juliet nodded. Regina left, and Emma looked at Juliet. "You want to help us look for evidence?" Juliet shook her head. "Nah, I'm good. I have to figure out some things for myself." Emma nodded.

Back at Regina's house, in Juliet's room, she started looking through her room. Anything that would help her figure out just what she could do. Ever since the incident, she wanted to know as much as possible. She opened the box to find a miniature painting of her and her mom. Juliet sighed. "This can't help."
She then noticed a piece of paper that wasn't there during the curse. She picked it up. It was a letter written to her mother. She started to read aloud.

"My dearest Zelena, I wish I could see you again. It's been too long, and I want to meet my daughter. If I am right, she should be 16, right? I know you don't want to see me, but at least tell her about me. You don't need to tell her the details, but I need her to know that I am her father, and not some munchkin. She should know that she doesn't get the magic from just you."

Juliet looked over the letter, trying to figure out who it could possibly be. She was much closer to figuring out who her father was. If she could find him, she could ask him about her magic.
She was distracted by talk outside. She ran down the stairs to find Regina and Emma in a heated discussion. Regina threw Emma back using magic. Juliet sighed. This was not helping. Emma got up, and Regina walked over to her. "Maybe some of your newfound magic can help you."

Juliet slightly waved her hand, and everyone in the yard fell down. "Enough!" They all turned to look at her. "You are all adults, and you are acting like children. You need to stop fighting." She calmed down. "Now I don't know what you saw, but I know it wasn't Regina."

Emma protested. "But that was her." Juliet held her hand up to interrupt her. "As you are aware, people with magic can shift their appearances, so this could be anyone. It could have been me, it could've been Gold, it could've been Regina. So be careful with your accusations. Because none of them will bring back Archie." Emma looked at the ground. Juliet sighed. "Now, if you can be here alone without fighting, I will be getting ready for the funeral." She walked back inside and slammed the door behind her.

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