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Juliet trudged through the forest, grumbling. Of course Gold threatened to kill her. Why did she expect anything different. She was so upset that when she came across a bush of deadly Nightshade, she set it on fire. 

Eventually, she approached the clearing where Gold had frozen Pan. With a smile on her face, she pushed past hanging leaves. She was ready to embrace Pan. 

But he wasn't there. Juliet stepped into the middle of the clearing, looking around. He couldn't have gotten that far. She jumped when she heard a voice behind her. 

"Juliet?" The redhead turned around to see Peter Pan standing at the edge of the clearing. Once she saw him, she beamed. Tears were beginning to form in her eyes. She broke into a sprint and ran towards him, almost tackling him in a hug. Peter smiled. "You came back." Juliet chuckled, looking him in the eye. 

"Of course I did." She leaned in to kiss him. Pan wrapped his arms around her waist, and Juliet wrapped her arms around his neck. Tears were now streaming down her face. Pan pulled away, noticing the tears. 

"You're crying." Juliet smiled, the tears still flowing. 

"I just... didn't know if I'd ever see you again." Pan brought a hand up to her face, wiping away the tears. 

"You don't know how long I spent trying to find you." Juliet sniffled. 

"That freakin' curse." She laughed, kissing him again. Juliet was ecstatic. After almost thirty years, she had been reunited with the love of her life. Eventually, a voice piped up, clearing its throat. 

"Pan?" The two turned their heads to see Felix with the rest of the Lost Boys, who looked incredibly confused. Juliet chuckled. 

"Hi Felix." Pan looked from Juliet to the Lost Boys. 

"I'll meet you in a minute. I need to catch up with Juliet." Felix scoffed. 

"Yeah, I'm sure that's what you were doing." Juliet narrowed her eyes, picking up a stick off the ground and chucking it at him. "Okay. I get it." He turned around, leading the boys back to their base. "Welcome back, Juliet." Juliet rolled her eyes playfully and turned back to Pan. 

"Glad to see nothing's changed." Pan smiled, grabbing onto her hand. 

"Come on, we should head to the base. You can tell me all about that stupid curse on the way." Juliet chuckled, following him. 

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