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Juliet ran down the stairs to grab a breakfast. Regina was getting her purse together. "Good morning, Juliet." Juliet walked over to the fridge. "Morning." Regina smiled. "I'm headed out." Juliet nodded, grabbing juice. "Okay. See you later." Regina chuckled, then grabbed her bag and headed out the door. 

Juliet decided to go for a walk in the woods. With everything that had been happening, she needed to take some time for herself. She couldn't stay in her room all day, with the occasional visit from the shadow. She needed time to think. 

On her walk, she could see someone running past her. But they weren't running, it was more like limping. She decided to follow them to see who it was. Right behind her was Mary Margaret, also chasing the same person. 

Eventually, they came upon a trailer. Juliet and Mary Margaret looked at each other before opening the door. "Hello?" Juliet asked, and Mary Margaret followed behind her. "Anyone in here?" They heard a voice that Juliet immediately recognized. "Just me." 

The man walked towards them, and as he got closer, Juliet could see he was completely wood. "August?" 

Juliet, Mary Margaret, and August sat on the couch. August was explaining his situation. "When the curse lifted, I could move again, but I stayed like this." He sighed. "This is my own punishment. Not the queen's. I did this to myself." Juliet tilted her head, still wondering how he was able to walk. Mary Margaret sympathized with him. "August. I'm so sorry. But you don't have to hide. There are people in Storybrooke who care about you. Emma, your father..." 

"How is he? My Papa?" Juliet looked to Mary Margaret. "He misses you." August sighed. "I know. But I can't let him see me like this. Or Emma." Mary Margaret pleaded with him. "Please reconsider. They could all use you back. There's been a lot going on. Henry's father returned. Emma found him." It was as if she was distracting herself with August's situation. 

"Wait." August started. "Emma and Neal? They're back together again?" Juliet chuckled. "No. He's engaged." August raised an eyebrow. Mary Margaret finished Juliet's sentence. "Someone he met in New York." August sighed. "I was hoping... that's my problem. Hoping. Hoping that things can still work out. Hoping that I can find redemption for the mistakes that I made. But maybe some things you just don't come back from."

Snow shook her head. "No matter what you've done, you deserve a second chance." He shrugged. "That's easy for you to say. You never had to worry about forgiveness, redemption. You've never needed it." Juliet looked down at the ground. Mary Margaret looked from Juliet to August. "August, it's time for you to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Come back to town with me. We'll find Marco." 

August interrupted her. "You expect me to face him like this? A wood pile of failure." Juliet looked up, trying to reassure him. "Don't say that." August sighed. "You two want to help me? Leave. And don't tell anyone you saw me."

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