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Zelena was being held in a cell at the Sheriff's office. Juliet had been debating for the last our whether to visit her or not. 

But ultimately, she sat in one of the chairs in the Sheriff's office alongside Regina as they both talked to Zelena. 

"Why, Regina? Why not just kill me and put me out of my misery?" Zelena asked. Juliet looked over at her aunt. 

"Because I know why you did what you did." Regina answered. "We're much alike. Our mother ruined you, too. I know what it's like to not have the life you wanted. The life you feel you deserve." Zelena scoffed.

"Oh, boo-hoo. You had to be queen. You know nothing. I saw it all. You had everything." 

"Did I?" Regina asked. "So, you missed the part where I lost the love of my life." 

"Mother did all that for you to achieve greatness." Zelena retorted. Regina shook her head. 

"Not long ago, I was a lot like you. I wanted to kill someone who wronged me. And I failed." Zelena looked away. "Had I killed Snow White, I wouldn't be in this world. I wouldn't be with these people, and I wouldn't have my son, Henry. So, no, Zelena. I won't kill you. Instead, I'm gonna give you what I got. I'm gonna give you a second chance, both for yourself, and for Juliet." Zelena looked at her daughter, who sighed. 

More than anything she wanted a second chance with Zelena. 

"What if I don't want it?" Zelena asked. Regina sighed. 

"Well, that would be a mistake, dear. Take it. Use it. Evil isn't born. It's made. And so is good." She stood up. "If I were you, I'd consider creating a new destiny. Because if you don't, I'll be right here to take your heart and crush it." She sighed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I should put this somewhere safe." She gestured to Zelena's pendant." She turned around and walked out of there, leaving Juliet and her mother alone. Zelena sighed.

"I suppose you're going to tell me the same thing." Juliet sighed, bringing her chair closer to the cell. 

"I want to. I want you to take this second chance. More than anything. It's all I've wanted since the day you pushed me through that portal." Zelena scoffed. 

"Oh please, you hate me. You're ashamed of me, even though sending you away was the best thing I could've done for you." Juliet frowned, standing up. 

"You really think that was the best thing you did for me?" She started to yell, but then she sighed, calming down. "I did hate you, yes, but it was because hating you was easier. It was easier to hate you than wonder why you did what you did and why you never wanted to see me again. I don't want to hate you, you're my mom. Which is why I want you to take this second chance. I just want my mom back." She sat back down, putting her head in her hands. 

Zelena looked at her daughter, conflicted. She figured Juliet's life would have been better without the stigma of being the Wicked Witch's daughter, which was part of the reason she sent her away, but that was not the case. And even after all she's done, Juliet still wanted her to be in her life. 

After a few minutes of Zelena not saying anything, Juliet sighed. 

"Just think about it, okay? I'll be back tomorrow." She got up and pulled the chair back to the desk. She looked back at the cell one last time and then went back to Regina's house. 

When she got back to her room, Regina was sitting on her bed. 

"Did she say anything to you?" Juliet shook her head. 

"No, not really. But I hope what I said... what we said, got through to her." She sat down next to Regina. Regina put her arm around Juliet's shoulder to bring her in for a side hug. 

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