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Juliet was sitting in her room when she heard leaves rustling outside her window. At first, she shrugged it off as the wind, but then the rustling picked up, as if someone was leaving. She ran over to the window and found a flash of brown hair on the ground. She then heard the person speak. 

"Yeah, red hair. Are you sure she's the one?" Juliet pressed her hands against the window, hoping that she didn't make any noise. What was this person talking about? And why did his voice sound familiar? "You want her? We'll bring her to you after we destroy Storybrooke." Juliet's eyes widened. Destroy Storybrooke? 

The man looked up at the window, and Juliet ducked down so he wouldn't see her. But she saw him. It was Greg Mendell. She had to get to Regina's office and warn her first. She sprinted out of the house and then toward downtown. 

When she got to the mayor's office, instead of Regina, she found Emma, Henry, Snow, and Charming. 

"Where's Regina?" They all looked at her. Emma sighed.

"We don't know." Juliet put her hands on her hips. If she couldn't find Regina, she could tell them. But they were still worried about where Regina was. 

"There's only one person who could overpower Regina." Snow pointed out, and Charming sighed. 

"Gold." Emma shook her head. 

"He's too busy with his new old girlfriend." Juliet raised an eyebrow. Did something happen to Belle? She was definitely behind. "No, this wasn't Gold. This was Tamara." Snow sighed. 

"Haven't you already gone down that road?" 

"Maybe not far enough." Juliet folded her arms. 

"No it was definitely Tamara. I had a weird feeling about her since the August incident." Everyone looked at her. "It could have also been Greg Mendell. He's also up to something." Charming sighed. 

"What if you're wrong? If Regina's in trouble, we can't drop everything else because of a hunch." Emma shook her head. 

"Which is why we're not gonna drop everything else." She looked at Snow. "Go to Gold. I'm sure that he has some kind of magic that can locate Regina." Snow nodded. 

"Where are you going?" 

"Back to Tamara's room." 

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