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Emma, Neal, and Regina ran to Henry's unconscious body. 

"Oh God, is he unconscious?" Emma asked. 

"Henry? Can you hear us?" Regina tried to shake him awake. Neal sighed.

"He passed out as soon as his heart went into Pan." He looked down at his son. "Just hang in there, buddy." Juliet was frozen in her spot, shock and betrayal written all over her face. How could he do this? He had lied to her, killed her cousin, and now he had a smug expression of triumph on his face. 

"What the hell did you do to him?" Emma shouted at Pan. He floated down to the ground.

"Oh, I didn't do anything, Emma. It was Henry. He offered me his heart of his own free will." That smug bastard. Emma drew her sword. 

"I'm gonna take it back from you." She charged at Pan, but he disappeared and reappeared behind her. 

"I don't think you have it in you." He taunted. "Rumplestiltskin didn't. Why should you?" He held Pandora's box in his hands. 

"Where is he?" Emma asked, sword pointed at the immortal boy. 

"What did you do?" Neal added on. Juliet had tears in her eyes.

"Why, he's right in this box. Safe and sound and out of the way. Unfortunately for you, he can't hurt me anymore. Neither can you." 

"Oh yeah?" Emma swiped at his arm with the sword. "How did that feel?" Pan chuckled.

"Like a tickle." Juliet saw red. She generated two green fireballs and chucked them. Upon impact, Pan stumbled a little, caught by surprise. He turned to face the redhead, who had another fireball ready to go. "And here I thought you'd be happy for me." He shook his head, and floated into the air. Juliet threw the fireball after him, but he was too far away at that point. Emma turned her attention back to her son. 

"How is he?" Regina placed a hand on Henry's chest. 

"You're gonna be all right, Henry. We're gonna get you home." She held her hands out and cast a spell. A ripple of light encompassed the eleven year-old boy. "This preservation spell can keep him in this condition for a while longer. Buy us time to get to Pan." At the mention of his name, Juliet winced. She was so mad at herself for blindly trusting him. 

"You were a Lost Boy. Any idea where he went?" Emma asked Neal. Neal shook his head.

"I know where he lived." He stammered. "His compound." Regina scoffed.

"Well, that's idiotic. We all know that. You think he's stupid enough to go back?" She sighed. "You're useless." She muttered. 

"Okay, enough." Emma scolded her. 

"Don't tell me what's enough." Regina snapped back. "My son is dying."

"Our son." Emma corrected her. "So yes, I know how you feel." Regina looked up at her.

"You have no idea what I feel. You have your parents. You have this..." She gestured to Neal. "...person. A pirate who pines for you. You have everything, and yet you claim to know what I feel?" Her voice started to shake. "All I have is Henry, and I'm not about to lose him because he is everything." Juliet started out at the island, trying to figure out where Pan might be. 

"Even if we can find Pan, he was powerful before." Neal's voice got Juliet's attention. "With Henry's heart, I don't know if we can hurt him."

"Yes we can." Regina noted. She pointed to Emma's sword. "Look, you nicked him." She looked up at Juliet. "And I saw burn marks where you hit him." She smiled. "If he can bleed, then we can hurt him. And if we can hurt him..." 

"We can kill him." Juliet finished her thought. The three looked at her. Regina nodded.

"And we will." 

When they got back to camp, they set Henry's body down on a mattress and caught Mary Margaret, David, and Hook up on the situation.

"Gold is in a box?" Mary Margaret asked. "Then David can never leave the island." Juliet rolled her eyes. That was her takeaway from all this? 

"Mary Margaret, that doesn't matter." David interjected. "I've already made peace with that. What matters is Henry." He turned to Regina. "How much time do we have?" 

"Maybe an hour before the preservation spell wears off." Neal sighed. 

"If he's airborne, he could be anywhere on the island." Just then, a memory flashed in Juliet's mind. 

"I think I know where he is." They all turned to look at her. "He had this tree where he went to think. His thinking tree." Regina nodded. 

"Okay, well then we'll split up." They went over the plan. Hook, Regina, Emma, Mary Margaret, and Juliet were going to go find Pan and get Henry's heart back. David and Neal were going to round up the Lost Boys and get them on the ship. The group started walking.

"You sure you're up for this, kid?" Emma asked Juliet. "I know you were close with Pan." Juliet nodded. 

"He tricked Henry into giving up his heart. He can die for all I care." She answered, but deep down she knew that wasn't entirely true. Deep down there was a part of her that still loved him, but that part was getting smaller with each passing minute. 

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