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The next morning, Jade opened her eyes to find that Henry was no longer in her room. "He must've gone to school." Groggily, she got up, and walked to her closet to get changed. As soon as she got changed, Regina ran up to her room. "Where is Henry?" Jade shrugged. "Isn't he at school?" Regina shook her head. Jade grabbed her jacket and headed out the door.

They walked into the Sheriff's station, and Jade was surprised to see Emma in the cell. "What happened here?" Sheriff Graham walked over to the cell. "Regina's drinks... little stronger than we thought." Emma sighed, then walked out of the cell and over to the mayor's neice. Jade held up her hand. "Three... two... one..." She pointed to Regina running in. "Graham? Henry's run away again, we have to-- what is she doing here? Do you know where he is?" Emma shook her head. "Lady, I haven't seen him since I dropped him at your house, and--—pretty good alibi." Jade chuckled. Both women looked at the teenager. "Alright, I'll go to school."

Once she got to school, she saw a girl in her class. They weren't the best of friends, but Jade wanted to get to know this girl a little better. She walked over to her. "Hey Lily." The brunette looked up. "Hey." They started to walk. "So, what class do you have?" Lily tilted her head. "I-I don't know. I'm probably in your class." Juliet shrugged. "I think so." They walked into the door of the school.

The day flew by, and Jade got to know Lily a lot better. At the end of the day, it was safe to say that they were at least friends. Jade felt that something was pushing her to become friends with Lily. Once school ended, Jade said goodbye to Lily, and started to walk home.

As she entered the brick passageway leading up to the front door, Jade saw Regina and the blonde arguing. "Afternoon." She quickly ducked inside before Regina could hound her.

She saw Henry at the top of the stairs. "Heard you ran away." Henry smiled, and Jade chuckled. "That's not something I'd be proud of." As she walked to her room, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned her head to see her cousin. "What?" Henry's smile widened. "What'd you do today?" Jade tilted her head to the side. "I made a new friend." She entered her room. Henry started to speak, but Jade cut him off. "And before you start, I don't think she's from the book." She closed the door, and placed her bagon the floor near her desk.

It wasn't long until the door opened again. Henry walked in, holding his book. He set it down on Jade's bed, and opened it to a page. "Does she look like this?" He pointed to a page, and Jade walked over to see a picture of two young girls. One with hair as red as fire, the other with hair as dark as night. Jade found herself mesmerized by the picture, while Henry started to read.

" friends since the moment they met, Juliet and Paisley were inseperable right up to the moment of the curse. They met in the realm of Neverland, when Juliet first arrived." Henry looked up at his cousin. "That's you, and I'm guessing that's your friend. Even the curse couldn't separate you for long." Jade looked from the book to Henry. "Okay, so let's say I'm starting to believe you. What do we do now?" Henry smiled. "I thought you'd never ask." He began to rip pages out of the book. "Whoa Henry, stop destroying the book." "Jade, I'm not destroying the book, I'm saving it. These pages are Emma's stories. I don't want mom finding these." Jade nodded. "Oh." Once he finished, he handed her the pages. "Hide these in your closet." She grabbed the pages, and stuffed them in her backpack. Henry high-fived her. "Let's do this."

Later that night, Jade walked into Henry's room to find him looking out the window. "What?" Henry pointed to the clock tower, which had just started moving. "Things are changing." Jade ruffled Henry's hair. "You bet they are." She sighed. "Alright, good night."

Once Jade fell asleep, she entered a dream that would begin to change everything she ever believed.

A little girl was playing in a field of green as her mother watched her. In the distance, the buildings were a bright emerald color. As the girl played, the mother waved her hand. "Juliet, honey." The girl turned her head to face her mother. "Come here please." Juliet skipped over to her mother with a smile on her face. "Yes mom?" The woman lifted her six year old daughter into her arms. "Your seventh birthday is coming up, and I think it's time you learn something." Juliet clapped her little hands. The woman set her daughter down and started waving her hand. Immediately, flower petals surrounded Juliet, flying like butterflies. Juliet's eyes widened as she marveled at the beauty around her. "I love it."

Jade opened her eyes, startled. She had no idea what kind of dream that was, but it seemed familiar. It was almost like a memory. She stood up slowly and tiptoed into her cousin's room, only to find he was awake. "Jade, what are you doing in here?" She gestured to the book. "I need to see something." He nodded, and handed her the book.

"So, what happened?" Jade looked at her cousin. "I had this dream, but it felt real. There was this little girl in a field, and her mother started to..." As Jade spoke, Henry opened the book and started flipping through the pages. "Is this what it looked like?" Jade looked down and nodded. "Yeah." Henry smirked. "I knew it. Now that my mom is here, everything's changing. People will start getting their memories back." Jade sighed. She had no idea what she was getting into, but if it made her cousin happy, she was in. It would also give her closure on the feeling she had. 

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