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Zelena's pregnancy was no ordinary pregnancy. Not only was she having morning sickness, but she also had power surges. The people in Oz had to run and hide every time Zelena stepped outside. But Zelena didn't care. She was just happy that she had something that her sister didn't have. She was showing now, and she had to find outfits that would fit over her emerging baby bump.

However, among the happiness, something was troubling her. She was worried that Hades was going to find out that she was pregnant with his child and come to Oz. She didn't have much time left. If he knew, and she had the baby, he would find her and probably take her child away. She couldn't let that happen. Even though she didn't want to, she decided she had to talk to Glinda.

"Glinda I need your help." Glinda turned around to see Zelena walking through the door. "With what?" Zelena walked up to her, a frown on her face. "I'm a little concerned." Glinda cocked her head. "About what?" Zelena sighed. "About Hades." Glinda mouthed oh, and Zelena rubbed her stomach. "I'm worried that once I have this child, Hades will come and take it away." Glinda waved her hand over Zelena's stomach. "Now Hades cannot take this child away nor speed up your pregnancy." (Because that happens so much on this show.) Zelena smiled, and hugged Glinda. "Thank you." She broke away from the hug and gasped. Glina expressed concern. "What is it?" Zelena held onto the table. "The baby. It's coming."

A terrifying scream escaped Zelena's mouth. She doubled over in pain. Glinda ran over to her. "Come with me." Zelena held on to Glinda, and Glinda poofed them away to Oz's best doctor.

"Help her." The doctor warily walked over to Zelena. "Okay, breathe in and out.In and out." Zelena heavily breathed.

(An hour later)

Zelena leaned back, and sighed. The doctor walked over with a baby in a blanket. "Congratulations, Zelena. It's a baby girl." Zelena smiled, and the doctor handed the baby to Zelena. The baby smiled, and Zelena looked at the girl. "Hello." The baby laughed. Glinda walked over. "Do you have a name for her?" Zelena looked up at Glinda. "Yeah. Her name is Juliet."  

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