Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Nine

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[Despina's POV]

The Lord Bacchus delivered the line with such an easy going insouciance that it seemed the moment the words were received the room froze over from the tufted velvet carpet of the floor to the muted painted ceiling.

It was the first time in all my days of serving Lady Thera that I had seen her so fully outraged as she was then, being told she was betrothed to him so casually. He had the airs of a man who expected her to laugh in joy and embrace him, but despite his high status my lady did nothing of the sort, how could she? This meant not only failure, but also the most barbaric of rejections. We were similarly horrified beside her, for her dignity and sensibilities.

For the first time I saw the vein on her forehead pulse, a deadly look on her face that seemed to reach everyone in the room other than him. And despite her high education and delicate character she very near stamped her feat in fury, red hues peeking behind the modest white dusting of powder that kept her face an icy white.

"Who dares to betroth me to someone without my own say?" She passed the words cleanly but with icy anger.

He rolled his eyes as if to deny the sanity of all women based on this bizarre conversation. "You have all the say in the world delicate thing." He cooed at her, taking her hand in his and kissing it with no warning nor abashment. "Of course it was a surprise to myself as well..."

Some of her fury waned but still burned brightly in her expression and her figure. "It was?"

"Of course..." Lord Bacchus waved his hand and the ostentatious piece of clothing glimmered as it moved.  "I had to come to see who I was being married to, otherwise I should never show up so suddenly, so uninvited and rudely." He smiled. "The King's taste is impeccable, though, I should not have worried. He would never leave my abode ornamented with a women of low-born looks." He smiled to himself.

Lady Thera seemed to have struck the wall with all the indignation she could muster on her face, fury had never looked so icy, and yet I knew, with some apprehension, that inside there was much more that could not be further expressed.

"I will not marry you." She spoke slowly.

He raised an eyebrow, and seemed genuinely surprised for a moment, then frowned and patted his cloak. "Well, that should be rather inconvenient."

"Inconvenient." She repeated to odd word.

"Only His Majesty wanted us to be married in good season, and autumn is fast on its way, it shall be winter before we know it."

"Tell me what you mean to, do not bandy words." She did not hide her glare, an unsettling look on such a perfect, dainty face.

He seemed to be completely unaware of her anger, somehow, drifting off into his own world where he was king and all around him lived to serve him.

"Bandy..." He repeated with some snorting laughter. "I thought we were getting along just fine. The fairer sex is really so quick to anger." He tutted, adjusting a heavy gold ring.

"What has he done?" She asked, ignoring his insufferable quips.

"He has set a date for the wedding, though the letter politely informed me that should I deem you not to be suitable I should be perfectly in my right to call it off. As would you be."

"He set a date for the wedding..." Her skin was turning an unfortunate mixture of red and white. "We will call it off." She told him, demanded rather, with a voice that caused both I and my sisters to jolt and glance at each other.

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