Chapter Six

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[A/N] So if you don't know why I haven't been updating it was because I wanted to be more consistent with my updates so I decided to finish off another book of mine called Her Brother, My Master before I continued writing this book.

So sorry to leave it this long, I am back!

I walked with heavy steps down the winding cobblestone paths, the sun had begun to set and a kind of unearthly red that hung about above the clouds made for a pretty intimidating atmosphere.

The leaves of autumn were beginning to fall. They were gentle and noiseless as they littered the path. I thought of Adelpha and Demalis, I thought of previous autumns and praying by the shore line for Poseidon's blessings. The baskets full of fallen leaves, red with autumn blood, which we set on those small thatched rafts and set to fire.

It was a grand thing to see an offering like that burn off into the twinkling sea. Never lasted long however, the sea always swallowing it soon, this being what it was intended to do. Poseidon had taken his offering.

I sighed.

A black cat walked pompously across my path and scowled at me and I scowled back.

I made my choice.

To run from the King was unthinkable. No man would try.

I consoled myself by reasoning that the King himself would not be bothered by the presence of one stranger in his kingdom.

The law itself, the stricter rules on outsiders entering the kingdom, it had not been passed by the King but by his advisers. Well, with his permission I suppose but...

I sighed.

What could the man want me for? For his personal guards to be the ones looking for me, a strange thing no? Perhaps he was just an eccentric man.

It didn't feel that way though, I couldn't believe it. He might be strange but, there was something wild in him sure just, he had a demeanor of dominion that reached me even from the stage. A kind of cold glint in his eye that promised punishment.

Yet again, it could not be thought upon to run.

I would deal with whatever arrows came for me as they whistled through the air. I had to. Thinking any more would give me an aneurysm.

So I walked on my jolly way, my shoes tapping on the stone and sinking in the mud. I stopped periodically to curse at something, anything really, heading in the direction for what I supposed was the castle.

Those flags high in the distance were almost mocking me. I wondered if I was being a genuine fool for going to the castle.

Perhaps it was all a misunderstanding and the King had no business with me?

Oh, what if they were simple robbers? Stealing a donkey with some dried fruit and clothes? Not very good robbers I'd say.

Darkness fell with sudden severity.

The path that was barely a path to start with turned to mud and grass and the light dimmed until all I could see in the distance was those far away castle fires.

The land mark felt like it was never growing any closer and I had begun to realize just how far away the castle must be when my feet began to grow sore. It was getting mighty cold. I should have at least bought a jumper before the stalls closed.

There was money in my pockets and it jingled dangerously, the lyre was slung around my shoulder in it's leather sheathing.

I thought I must have looked rather strange hobbling through the mud in a white jokers costume and I worried that any raiders that came across me I would be a duck in the eye of the tiger. My joules jingling away in my pockets.

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