Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Two

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I looked up at him defiantly, aggravated that he didn't understand, swallowing nervously as his dark eyes watched me pull the shirt over my head. 

"I know it's not the same but when my mother goes to sea my father goes too, not because he was also from a line of fishermen, his entire family made of blacksmiths, but because, by his words 'two fools dead are better than one'."

"Do you believe that?" He asked, his voice low, eyes shaded.

I looked down at my feet for a moment, although I was still dressed in the thin undershirt, the feeling of being half naked in front of someone fully clothed made one feel uniquely out in the open. 

"Do you know what he means by that?" I looked up at him.

"That if one dies the other might just as well die too." 

I nodded. "But-"

"Who will feed your starving family then, huh?" He moved even closer, leaning over me, dark piercing eyes watching me. "Who will take care of everyone, wash and clothe them? Bring back food for them? When they are sick, will they lay back and die?"

I had no real good answer for that, I would have to think for a while to come up with one and I couldn't with him so close, glaring down at me. "I would not begrudge them for laying that responsibility onto me."

"Oh but how can you care for them when you're following me into battle to die?" His voice was low and annoyed.

I was speechless for a moment longer. I closed my mouth and swallowed. "I might die here too. Sometimes I think I've been making more enemies than friends..."

His eyes turned hard. "That won't happen."

"You can't be-"


I licked my lips, and looked him dead in the eyes. "Zeherneboh neighbours Suweit."

He stared back at me blankly.

"The book he gave me does not yet have the most recent war detailed and added, but the book on war through the ages does describe geographically the land, it describes their people and their capacities. I know they share some land, and I know that Suweit, despite being much smaller and less wealthy than Zeherneboh has a vast military arm to it.

"You passed their land on the way, back, had to have... you knew the war wasn't over because you knew they had the opportunity of fighting back by coming to some kind of agreement with the mining country..."

He said nothing, but did not move back an inch, still his warmth brushing up against me, the scent of something like fragrant tea on his skin.

"If they do they will be so great in number that..."

He narrowed his eyes, then watched me with those same piercing eyes as he extended a hand to my side, sliding his fingers under my shirt, lifting it off of me. 

My heart trembled in my chest as I raised my arms slightly, letting him pull it off of me.

"They won't win." He told me, his voice cold, looming, eyes on me from a height.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I think you were unhappy for a reason. Because you knew another battle was waiting and this one might just be your last."

He pressed his lips together, eyes gleaming as he looked down at me.

He looked terrifying sometimes, attractive and terrifying at the same time, I had to take a moment to breathe before looking back up at him, my focus scattered about the intrinsically handsome face.

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