Chapter 1 - Crush

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Ena sat in class, trying desperately to look like she was paying attention to her history teacher.  She couldn't stop herself from spacing out and thinking about the conversation she had with Mizuki-chan last night on Nightcord at 29:00.

Wait . . . do they have a crush on me or something? And did they just casually come out as lesbian what. Do I love them?

The brunette wondered why she was even thinking those things. It wasn't like her to jump to conclusions like that.

Ugh, it's only second period. I have to endure this torture for three more hours before I can go see them . . .

Ena smiled dreamily to herself.
"Earth to Ena." Airi Momoi waved her hand in front of Ena's face.
"It's lunch time. You've been just sitting there staring off into space for who knows how long."
"I'm sorry, Airi-chan. Let's get going."
They walked down to the first floor together to eat lunch. Airi joined the line to order cafeteria food, and Ena sat down to enjoy the sushi Akito picked up for her this morning.
Ten minutes later, Airi plops herself down in the seat across from Ena.
"You got sushi? I'm jealous."
"Want some? My chopsticks are clean."
"Why not."
She picks up a sushi and feeds it to Airi-chan.
"Mmm, thank you."
When she finishes, Ena offered her an onigiri.
"It's alright, Ena-chan. You should enjoy your lunch. You seem to have lost some weight."
"I have?"
"Yes, Ena-chan."
Embarrassed, she snaps a photo of her lunch, captions it, and posts it on Insta.

"How's your idol group doing?" Ena asks Airi between bites.
"Great. Minori-chan just did her first solo show." Airi sighs. "I'm so proud of her. She's come so far from being a girl who couldn't even pass second auditions."
"I saw her performance at last week's Virtual Singer concert! She was so good!"
"You went with your group members, right? I hope you guys are also doing well,"

Ena blushed, remembering Mizuki's teasing.

"Thank you."
"Wanna go visit that karaoke café after school?"
"Sorry, I have plans already."
"Oooh. With whom?"
"Mizuki and I are going to the mall."
"Congrats for scoring your first date, Ena-chan."
Ena's face turned bright red like an apple.
"WHY does everyone automatically assume we are dating?!" she exclaims in frustration.
"Because you guys are so cute together," Airi explained.
"Shut up!"
"Admit it, you really like them, don't you?"
She thought she couldn't possibly blush any harder, but she was wrong.
"Okay, geee. Sorry if I'm prying anything."
"We're not dating."
"If you say so, Ena-chan. Enjoy your d-"
Swiftly, Ena covered Airi's mouth with her palm.

Words: 460

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