Chapter 16 - Knives

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whoo hoo still going
the fact that i feel the need to motivate myself says a lot

The Shinonome brunette got a quick glance of most of the rooms in Mizuki's sekai. 

A dark cave filled with heartbreaking songs and the sound of screaming.

A seamstress studio whose posters were covered in a beautiful girl who looked like Mizuki but older. 

A giant hole filled with various sharp, intricately decorated 'weapons':

kitchen knives,
butterfly knives,
cardboard knives,
stabbing daggers,
throwing daggers,
tetrastar shurikens,
these funny looking stick things,
and needles. 

A silent forest with a tranquil lake.  Well, tranquil except blend of sounds; a mix of a child laughing and a teen crying. 

A room where molten lava was contained, the heat seeping through the ceiling.

Amia's . . . bedroom.  Frighteningly, it looked like a near carbon copy of Ena's real bedroom.

But it was larger.  Cleaner.  Fancier. 
Like everything related to Ena in this alternate dimension was an improvement of Ena.

It made her feel inadequate. 

"Here is the room."  The two brunettes stopped front of a plain wall.  No door.  No seam.  Nothing to indicate that this spot was anything special.  The lava room was more exciting.

This was, to Enanan's eyes just a strip of wall like any other.

In fact, even Real World walls were more interesting. 

"You have to unlock it, Ena."

"Why can't you just do it?  This is almost your sekai as it is Mizuki's.  Fuck, this is your literal home."

"Only you can open it Ena.  I cannot access it.  Even Mizuki themselves will pretend this place doesn't exist." Amia replied calmly.

Man, they even lacked Ena's fiery temper.  What a bitch. 

Ena slowly, hestitantly placed her hand on the wall.

A glowing outside of a secret door appeared.  Unsurprisingly, it was shining with a rosy pink hue.

Amia reached out and held Ena's hand, pulling her inside. 

Oh god—

Words: 321

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