Chapter 26 - Secret

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"Hello, Enanan . . . Normally,  I wouldn't call you like this out of nowhere, but it's very unusual for you to be late like this without checking in." a girl's soft, breathy voice came through Ena's phone's speaker.

"Oh, Kanade . . . hello to you too.  I . . ." Ena didn't feel like explaining the last fourteen days/also fourteen minutes of craziness, so went with a simple, ". . I was sleeping, K." 

"I see.  I shouldn't have called, then.  I didn't mean to wake you up.  Sorry."

"I already woke up, it's fine." she answered while logging into her PC to join the rest of N25. 

"Alright, I just joined the voice chat, so I'm ending this call, okay?" 
She hummed in reply.
"Sorry, I'm late,"

"It's okay." Mafuyu said dryly.  The brunette realized that she hadn't finished the drawings she'd promised K would be done by now.  Ena wasn't panicking, though.  The illustrations just needed a little polishing here and there. 

"I'll be muting myself until I'm done my work."  Shinonome half-expected to hear Mizu tease her about her sloppiness, but the pink-haired one was strangely silent today. 

Maybe they were just concentrating extra hard, but Ena found it slightly suspicious, especially considering the events that recently conspired in their sekai. 

Regardless, that could wait until later.  Ena herself had some concentrating to do.

~미~} { 주 <3 엔 } {~나~

Why did Mizuki feel . . . . so . . . different lately?

Ever since waking up in their sekai, no, ever since being fucking stabbed, there'd been a plasticky hollowness and dull pain and in their chest.

And yet . . . . there was also a soft warmth. A flame of passion.

Mizuki and Ena were dating now, weren't they?
Why didn't they feel completely at ease and happy?

In fact . . . . . when was the last time that they had actually felt completely at ease and happy?

They couldn't remember.
For Akiyama, happiness was nothing but a distant dream.

A hazy illusion always out of grasp.

Ena's smiling face popped into their head.

But . . . . maybe that could change.
Maybe they could change.

However . . . . if that were to happen . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . didn't it mean that Mizuki would have to reveal their secret?

how many secrets do they have
tbh it gets tiring
yes i say that fully aware of the fact im the author
*the level of stupidity—*

Words: 383

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