Chapter 3 - Date

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Mizuki walked up to her and gave her a hug. For a moment, Ena stiffened, having never been hugged by Amia before. Then she relaxed and sank into their warm embrace.
"Are you hungry, Ena-chan? We could drop by the café first if you want."
"I'm good, it's okay."
"But you look a bit pale and I bet you barely slept last night. You should eat something."
Ena was at a loss for words.
"O-okay. If you really insist, Amia-chan."
"I do."
She takes Ena's hand and guides her to a Lolita Neko themed internet café in the corner.
"How did I miss this?!" Enanan squealed happily. "So cute! I think I'm going to die from cuteness overload . . ."
"Awww, I never knew you thought I was pretty, Enanan."
"No, I didn't mean-" Mizuki begins to laugh hysterically. Ena scowls at them.
They order a strawberry cream milkshake, and Ena buys pancake-flavoured-cheesecakes (and almost lost her mind over them). She was so happy she didn't mind paying for something to give to Akito for once.
Mizuki stares at Ena, smiling.
"Do I have frosting on my face or something?"
"No, it's just cute how excited you are right now." She could feel the blush reach all the way to her ears. Ena requests a take-out container to hide her red face.
"Wanna check the store now?" they asked.
As they enter the store with their arms linked, a male with ginger hair and hazel eyes greets them.
"Welcome to-" Recognition lights up his face. "WHY DID YOU GUYS PLAN A DATE HERE?!" shouts Akito. Ena groans.
"Do you have a problem with it, 'Lil bro?" Mizuki inquired with a raised eyebrow.
"I'll be in the back if you need me," he mutters. "We won't."

"Oh my god- this will look so adorable with your hair . . . in fact, we should add this cap. Yes. Hmm, and stockings!" They held up two different pairs; one black, one pink. She took the pink one and went to change. When she returned, Mizuki gently lifted the hat off her head and replaced it with one that better matched the stockings. "There. You look perfect." "T-thank you. Amia. Can-can I pick an outfit for you?"
"Of course!"
They leave the store wearing matching outfits, ignoring whatever Akito muttered to himself as he showed them out.

Words: 400

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