Chapter 9 - Kick It

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The eldest Shinonome child woke up in fit of sweat and the stink of fear. 
There was a phantom pain on her throat and too many sensations and feelings still fresh in her mind.  Hopefully, she would forget it soon.

Too bad that things Ena hoped for rarely ended up happening.

She noticed that she was on the cold wooden floor instead of her bed. 
And that there was an eerie, tall figure standing over her.  aki only tall looking cuz u on floor

Instinctively, Ena kicked them in the stomach and frantically backed away.
Her back hit the wall.  She was cornered.

The figure's cry of pain was familiar though, and Ena relaxed when she heard the intruder say, "Fucking god, Ena.  It's just me.  Shit, who knew you could kick so hard."

"That's what you get for scaring me in the middle of the night while I'm still on an adrenaline high from a nightmare, Akito."

Now Akito was on his knees, clutching his stomach and trying to catch his breath after it had been knocked so violently out if him.  
"Why are you here?" she asked.
"Well, someone apparently had a nightmare and fell off their bed.  That someone also definitely didn't appreciate it when I came to check on her." 

"I'm sorry.  I thought-" Ena cut herself off abruptly.  "Nevermind.  It doesn't matter.  You should just go back to bed."

Akito stood up, having mostly recovered, but didn't move.  He was tough.  The sad boy used to get knocked over a lot worse when he was still into soccer.  "What's wrong with you?  Get out of my room."

"What's wrong with you?  You never say sorry.  Not even after you've been acting bitchy." 

Ena stared off into space for so long that Akito left and went back to sleep. 
She eventually got up and decided to go to sekai and draw.  Even though there were no 'official' 25ji meetings tonight.  Kanade was choosing mercy and let them rest for a night before the frenzy of deadline preparations began. 

As usual, Mafuyu's sekai was quiet and desolate, the scattered beams resembling the long forgotten remains of a structure, perhaps a stage. 
Though, as much as Ena hated to admit it, Mafuyu was getting better.  The sekai had become more lively with Rin, Luka, MEIKO, and Len joining the once solitary Miku. 

The five Virtual Singers were sitting in a circle, and there was . . . Mizuki?  They were hunched over a tablet. 

"Awe, MEIKO looks so cute when you animate her like that." gushed Megurine Luka.  "I like her chubby little pig feet." agreed Miku. 
"That's because MEIKO is the most piggish of all the Virtual Singers, wouldn't you agree, MEIKO?" 

Len was silently hiding behind the twin-tailed Virtual Singer, and MEIKO, even whilst being teased, was as stone-faced as ever. 

For a moment, Ena just watched the six act like siblings from afar. 

Maybe this was her chance to help Mizuki.  Surely they wouldn't lie to her in front of five Virtual Singers . . . . right?

Words: 500

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