Chapter 11 - Sekai Ena

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this actually requires brainstorming.

i'll start the chapter sometime today i promise

**** i have a test today
wish me good luck

Ena found that she was in some apartment building, standing the hallway. There was only one door on the long expanse of plain beige walls.

Shit. She realized that the shard was nowhere to be seen. Ena might be stuck here if she couldn't find it again.

Taking a deep breath, Ena gripped the door's handle.

The silver-grey handle was ice cold.

She twisted her wrist quickly, opening the door.

Ena pushed the wooden door open.

And then she went inside.

What was she even looking at?
Lace. Chiffon. Cotton. Polyester. Linen. Silk. Muslin. Taffeta.

More lace.

Long sheets were draped over the walls of the apartment, leaving no wall space visible. Some were what looked to be unfinished pieces of clothing, which made sense. Amia liked to customize and create their own clothing. They were obsessed with style and all things cute.

As Ena circled the room in quiet awe and utter confusion, she noticed that the floor was a screen. Vague colours and noise flashed across the screen so fast it looked like static.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? Get out of my house you ****** ***** of ****!"
She knew that voice. Because that's exactly what she would say to an intruder.

Sure enough, when she found the source of the voice crouching behind a pile of broken computer monitors.

Her own face stared back at her.

Mizuki . . . . had a version of Ena in her sekai. 

"Who . . . who are you?" Sekai Ena asked.

"I am Shinonome Ena.  I live in the real world and I'm Mizuki's friend and uh, colleague."  

Something was off about Sekai Ena.  Her hair was shinier than Ena's had ever been.  Her face was more symmetrical and completely void of imperfections.  Even her cheeks had more colour.  When Sekai Ena stood up, stunned, and faced Real Ena, she noticed that Sekai Ena was shorter than her. 

It was creepy.  Like some perfect version of her was lurking in this place all along.  Lurking in Mizuki's sekai.

"I was born in this sekai a long time ago."

"How long ago?" inquired Ena, curious to know more about this strange place.

"Time is relative.  But I'd say . . . . . twelve years ago."

"So you're twelve?"


Ena was fifteen.  Mizuki was fourteen, given her school grade level.  That meant . . . .

that Mizuki had a sekai since they were three fucking years old.

And they'd never mentioned it on Nightcord.

They'd never mentioned it to Ena . . . even though they had a fucking younger version of her here.

What the fuck was going on?
And how did a version of Ena exist the sekai before Mizuki had ever met her?

"Come, Ena. Follow me. There's something I want to show you."

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