Chapter 19 - Stay

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yayyy 19
woke up early again so here we are at 6am
well here i am
theres no way u would get up at 6 just to read my impulsive writing amirite

i just realized am i right=air

mind blown bro

It was now the seventh day that Mizuki had been locking themselves in their sekai so sit by Ena side until she woke up.

They noticed something strange happen as they added a hand painted silk square to Ena's bedsheets; one for each day.

Whatever designs Mizuki painstakingly rendered in fabric paint appeared on Ena's neck. An imitation of the silky fabric was growing on her throat like some sort of magical self-skin graft surgery.

Mizuki didn't care how it happened or why.

If nothing mattered, they reasoned, then that means everything is reduced to the same empty value.

Which meant that everything also mattered equally, or that value was relative; differing for depending on the individual.

For Mizuki, Ena was all that mattered.

Ena was literally the foundation of their world/sekai.

"Oh Ena . . ." they sighed.
Subconsciously, they took hold of Enanan's hand.

"Even though we've never sat this close before . . . ."

Mizuki twined her fingers together.

"I don't think I've ever felt this alone. Ena . . ." Mizuki's voice cracked her name.

"I love you, please don't go just yet.
. . .
Stay with me a little longer. Please,"

Words: 231

🗝 Mizuena - Why Did You Leave Me All AloneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora