Chapter 5 -Forever

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"Are you gonna let go  now, or am I too comfy?" 
"Sorry,"  Ena released them, and for a moment, she studied Mizuki's face. She could've sworn their face looked redder than usual.   Is that a blush?


How was Amia's skin so clear?
Ena was kinda jealous . . .
Either they took better care of their skin than Ena, or they just had better skin.  In fact, it was probably both. 
"Wanna join me at the café?  I was just about to have lunch," 
"You are killing it with the dates, Ena!" 

They walked off before she could yell at them, likely anticipating a coming storm of objections that didn't actually come. 

The two sat down next to each other in Ena's previous booth (at least no one stole her spot this time).  
Mizuki swirled their straw in their glass but didn't seem to actually be consuming anything.  "You gonna eat that?"  Mizuki flashed the face they reserved specifically for teasing Ena.  "Aren't you trying to lose weight, Enanan?  Or did you just up and give up?"  Ena looked away.  "Actually, I'm trying to gain back some pounds right now."  She snatched the drink and took a big sip. 

Mizuki's eyebrows rose up their forehead like two pink helium airships.

"Lies!" Mizuki paused for a second, as if thinking. "Whoa, Ena!  Are you taking acting classes from our senpais or something?!  You better not abandon us to join their troupe.  I would miss you too much." they both laughed.

Why is being with Amia so fun?  I wish lunch never had to end.  Wait a second .  . .  Oh shit, she was going to be late for class.  "See you, Mizuki!  I need to go now!" she explained.  "I'll come too!  I think I'll drop by school today," they said. 
Ena knew that they really just needed attendance for their record.  "Okay," 
They sat next to each other in the bus.  Yawning, Ena decided it would be efficient to get as much shut-eye as she possibly could at this point.   Instinctively, she lay her head on Mizuki's shoulder who didn't seem to mind until . . . .
"Who knew your brain was so heavy, Ena.  Too bad you never actually use it."  "Sorry, am I hurting your shoulder?" she said, lifting her head back up.  They gently pushed her back down.  "I was just teasing.  You need to get some sleep, Enanan." 
Mizuki likely didn't know that she struggled to fall sleep on a daily basis, so they might've spoken when they thought she was conked out. 
"Why is Ena so cute when she's all cranky like that?
"I wish we could stay together forever, but . . . ."

Words: 442

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