Chapter 6 - Silent Tears

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They started to silently cry.  Ena gave up all pretense of sleeping and pulled them into a hug.  Mizuki sobbed into her hair.  She stroked their back, and decided to ditch to come to Kamiyama with them.  School will never be as important to her as Amia was.  "I-I'm sorry Ena . . . ."
"Shut up.  I'm sorry for making you cry."  "It wasn't you."  "Are you sure about that?"  ". . . . You didn't do anything to me,"
Ena began trembling with an unexpected burst of anger.  "Who did?"  Mizuki just kept crying.
"Please.  Let me talk to them."
"You don't have to do this-"
"Yes, I do."
Mizuki looked up at her, a bit shocked.
"If it's making you this upset, I would do anything to help; even if it's inconvenient for me, because . . . . because you're my best friend, Mia." 
They cried harder.  "Is that true or are you just-"  Ena, fed up, grabbed their wrist.
"You idiot!  Of course it's true!  You're like the most talented motherfucker I've ever fucking met!"  "Shit, you sound like 'Lil Bro trying but failing to flirt with Touya . . ."
They laughed through their tears.  Ena smiled, glad they sounded like themselves again. 
"Kamiyama Highschool."
"Thank you, Enanan.  See ya,"  Mizu got up to leave.  "I'm coming with, you dumbass." Mizuki didn't even question it, they just let Ena follow them in.
Strangely, they had a spare uniform that Ena could wear (she didn't have one on now since she only took night classes). It was an odd fit, but it worked (if you didn't look too closely).
The only thing that comforted Ena was that she did have a valid Kamiyama student ID in her bag.

It was a boring day, aside from the fact the Ena could spend the entire day with Mizuki's (hiding in the back of classes/sometimes simply ditching). Ena was . . . a bit shocked to see "Student Mizuki." They were so . . . good at it. Unlike her. Mizuki knew all the answers and they absorbed information like a bug stealing your personal info. She was so glad that she got to see this side of her friend. Maybe it would help her find out what they were worrying about that day at Shibuya city center . . .

"So, how do you like school, you know, when there's actually light coming through the windows?" asked Mizuki, as they walked Ena back home.

"It's not that exciting. Seeing you as a pupil was though,"
That iconic smirking, eye-brow raised, I'm-about-to-make-Ena-yell-at-me face appeared. Ena mentally braced herself.

"Are you surprised that not everyone is a crappy student?"
Ena simply huffed and sped up, turning the corner.
"Get back here, Enanan! You don't want me to get lost, do you?"
"Fine." She hooked her arm around Mizuki's and started to drag her at an unworldly pace. "Satisfied?"
They laughed with joy and shock. 
"Honestly, I was expecting more rage after that jab," they answered.
"I'm too tired to rage at you today." Ena replied grouchily.  Mizuki's mood changed completely. 

"You're okay, right, Ena?" they asked, using the soft, gentle, yet low voice that Ena had yet to accustomed with (probably because she had to deal with the slightly insane "teasing" Mizuki 24/7).  She sighed.  "I'll log off early today to catch up on my sleep."  "Good.  Remember to not push yourself way beyond your limits, okay?  You're human and need rest.  We'll (meaning N25ji) always understand, and even encourage it.  No one wants you to suffer burnout, Enanan."   The way Mizuki whispered her name made her heart catch in her throat.  Who knew Mizuki of all people, the person who loved to torture her, had this . . . . older-sisterly side to them.  Ena didn't want to get used to it though, considering another roast was likely to come in the next few minutes, or even seconds.  Amia's face at Shibuya flashed through her mind.  She stumbled. 
Mizuki, with surprisingly good reflexes, unhooked their arms and caught her by the waist.  "Are you okay?"  The only thing she could see on their face was concern. 
"My house is just around the corner."  She replied, pointing.  "Alright.  Do you mind if I keep my arm here?"  They meant at her waist.  "I don't want you to fall again." 
After a moment pause, she said, "I'm okay with it, thanks." 

They got home. 

Mizuki watched Ena unlock the apartment and looked reluctant to leave. 
"Call me if you need, alright?"  they offered instead. Ena nodded.  She suddenly felt the urge to . . . .
Don't overthink it, Ena, she told herself. 

She gave them a hug. 
Mizuki didn't even look surprised, and simply hugged her back.  "Bye, Ena." they said, stroking her hair. 

Ena let go. 

"See you at 25:00, Amia . . ."

Words: 796

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