Chapter 24 - Question

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so tiredd...
but we must keep going


Drop the question drop the drop the question

Want attention wanna want attention


"Wake up, Mizu.  Come on, wake up, you lazy asshole."  Ena prodded Mizuki's shoulder with her hands. 

What was going on?

"Enaa . . . ?"

"Yes, dumbass.  Now fucking get off your ass already." 

Ena pulled Mizuki up from the pile of fabric and dragged her towards the trap door in the floor.  "Isn't that the trap door that Amia popped out of?" asked the pink-haired one.  The brunette didn't reply, simply choosing to pull the taller girl down into the floor. 

"There's secret passageways that can help us avoid all your sekai madness.  The paths are pretty well designed and straightforward.  I'm kinda surprised only Amia knew about these."

"Yeah, it's not like they lived here their whole life and spent the most time here out of anyone or anything.  Definitely surprised, Enanan." 

Ena looked like she wanted to smack them, but instead turned away and continued briskly down the hallway. 

"Aiyyah!  Wait up!  I don't know where I'm going!  I'm sorry okay?"  "You're never sorry."  "That is a true statement, yes."

legit just had the best sleep in weeks

"Are we there yet?" asked Mizuki.  "Stop being such a whiny baby." 
"Did you just call me baby?" 
"No, you fucking dumbass."
"If you say so, my sweet Ena."

Ena proceeded to turn red and groaned in annoyance; covering her face with her hands.

"We're here."

"Wow . . . . it's pretty."

"I know, right?"

There was a giant glowing blue orb in the center of a cavernous dark room.  It rested on an iron platform.

Shiny golden winged things flew around it like butterflies.

Fragments of flashing pictures whizzed by inside, too fast for their human eyes to discern. 

"Hey look!  It paused!"

The orb showed a high quality picture of Ena, tinted pink with an insanely high saturation. 

"Eh?" Ena huffed in confusion. "That never happened was I was here,"

Mizuki hugged her from behind. "Yeah, well it probably reacted to my presence or us both being here together." "Huh."

"Hey, you think we'll be able to see the images if we take a slo-mo?" "Worth a try."

Ena dug her cell out of her pocket . . . . just as the glowing sphere blinked out completely.

"What the fuck?"
"Turn on your phone's flashlight."
Ena turned it on, but the screen flickered and swiftly winked out.

"Are you fucking kidding me, right now? Useless," Ena muttered as she shoved her phone back into her pocket.
Right then, Mizuki slid their hand into Ena's holding it tightly.
They stood there together in silence and darkness.

"Hey Mizuki?"

"Yes, Enanan?"

"I have a question. Two questions, actually."

"Ask away."

"One; are we dating now and two; how long have you liked me?"

"For your first question; yes please. Fuck yes. And . . . I don't know honestly. It kinda just crept up on me. Then again . . . . I always thought you were cute so . . ."

"Awww." Ena couldn't help but blush. Good thing neither of them could see shit right now. Mizuki would tease her non-stop about it.

"How the fuck are we gonna get outta here, anyway?" she queried. "Ah shit. No clue. It's okay though. I think I'd be okay with dying here with you, if there were no other option."

"Don't say that. You're scaring me."

"If it helps, I'd much rather stay alive for the time being."

"Uhm . . . . . Ena?"


"Can I kiss you?"

Words: 570

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