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Twenty two years later and the Wraiths terrorised the people of Tretta. During that period that the star was stolen, the king's first wife who has five boys finally gave birth to a girl.

This girl child brought light to the family during the predicament period.

The girl ~sollel~ has now twenty two years and has grown into a very beautiful young woman.

Sollel was always curious about her town's history and when she found out from her mother the reason why they all live in fear, she felt concerned.

Sollel from her early years always loved adventure although she was barely let out of the palace.

On a certain day, something terrible happened that made Sollel take a drastic step that could make or mar her kingdom.

On that day, Sollel's direct elder brother, Kyle, went for patrol. She persuaded him to let her come with him but he refused initially but later agreed.

That day that they went for patrol was the first day Sollel say a Wraith physically. She had only seen them in old books but seeing one physically caught her by surprise.

That day, she was caught and almost killed by one of them but her brother intervened and rescued her and in the process was killed by a Wraith.

Ever since then Sollel has always wanted to find the deserted forest where the Wraiths lived and find the ghar and free her people.

She has made her intentions known to her father countless times but he always gave her the same excuse:

"First of all, Sollel you're a woman and your not meant to be embarking on risky journeys. And besides many brave soldiers have embarked on this journey and they failed. So its a fruitless effort. So lets keep on hoping and pray to survive."

This what was he always told her and she obeyed. But not tonight. Tonight she was going to escape from the palace and run away, find the star, and liberate her people.

She has already planned everything. She threw an unexpected party for everyone including the guards where she had the chef add sleeping potion to the drinks and food.

Everyone ate and drank and thirty minutes later everyone was sprawled on the floor sound asleep.

She quietly left the palace that night with only four change of clothes, an enchanted bag with three months supply of food and a sword.

She pulled open the palace gate and walked into the woods just adjacent the palace and turning back to the grey brick palace with a golden statue of a dragon.

"I'll be back.. And this time, with the star" She said and disappeared into the woods.


She stared at the map that she had found in an old book in the inner chamber of the library.

She figured that at the end of this woods, she would pass a desert and then the kingdom of Ager. That kingdom seemed like a safe place. After the kingdom she'll pass a place called fired. No one had any idea why that place had that name. The other side of the map was smudged with ink and the last part was an area of land marked x, which she guessed was the deserted forest.

She sighed and started walking. She knew this was going to be a long risky journey but she was willing to take the risk. She couldn't bear to see people suffer for nothing.

She kept on walking and by the time the sun came out fully, she realised she was at the centre of the woods. As she was about to sit on an old rock and catch her breath, she saw a silhouette of something pass by swiftly.

She stood up immediately and drew her sword. The silhouette passed again and she readied herself to attack. The creature came closer and she was about to slash when she saw it was a human, but she didn't let her guard down yet. She looked closely to see if it was a Wraith but it wasn't. She relaxed and put back her sword but she was still ready to fight just in case.

The person was a young girl wearing a red beanie and a red long sleeve midi gown that stopped right above her knees, and a black leggings and leather boots.

Sollel took in her appearance and finally asked her.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

The girl then snapped and her forehead crinkled in confusion and she just noticed someone was talking to her.

"Huh?" She said, her voice sounding like that of a chipmunk.

Sollel looked at her weirdly and decided to ignore her and keep moving, since she didn't seem like a threat.

She kept on going and then she noticed that the girl was following her, she turned and stopped and the girl stopped to.

"Why are you following me?"

"I'm lost, and you seem strong"

"Well sorry but you cant come with me. If you take a right turn at that tree shaped like a triangle you'll walk straight and you'll find a way out". She says and continue moving.

She stops again when she realises that the girl is still following her. She turns and gives her a hard glare.

"Please.. I promise I'll help. I have bow and arrows that are harmful to beasts, i want to tag along. I won't slow you down, i promise"

"Why do you want to follow me so bad?, you don't know me and i don't trust you"

"Isn't that the fun in it?, please, I'm also good at healing wounds"

After talking and arguing with the girl for half an hour, she finally gave in and let the girl walk with her.

"So what's your name?"

Sollel didn't want anyone to know she's from the royal family.

"Sol, my name is sol"

"Sol...." The girl said nodding her head. "Well I'm pubry"

"Mmmn" Sollel said and kept on moving.

She has a reason she let this girl follow her. As they sat under a tree to rest that night, she thought about her journey.

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