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It seems as if they've been running forever and they felt they might get away with it but out of nowhere, a midnight black horse pulled up in front of them with a loud screech forcing them to stop.

A figure which they recognised as Damien jumped down from the horse. And started taking slow advances towards them. They tried running back but the same fate met them, only this time it was a group of angry looking guards.

"Guys keep your defences high. And stay at high alert."

"Tsk tsk tsk. Princess, I must say you're quite a fighter. You're stuck in a pickle and you still want to fight."

"Don't give up till it's all up." She says eyeing him with dismay, ready to pull out her sword if need be.

"Did mommy teach you that?"

"Shut up! You don't know anything" she says glaring at him with anger in her eyes. His smirk turns into a frown as he walks closer.

"I advise you keep shut as you don't know who you're addressing" he says his smirk returning when he sees her glare harder.

"I see narccism and Ego runs in the family"

"Shut up!" He screams and slashes his sword which cuts her shoulder deep. She hisses in pain and regret flashes through his eyes.

"Sol!" Kai says coming closer but was held down by one of the guards.

"Sorry Princess but you asked for it" He says smirking but it's cut short when Sollel charges towards him and swings her sword with full force, securing a blow, although not hard enough to cause serious damage. Damien seems infuriated at this and charges towards her, clashes of sword follows hence.

Kai manages to break free from the guard by using his dagger on his arms causing him to wince in pain and let go.

He rushes towards Damien but Damien waves his hand and Kai is hit by a blast of Ice and his gaze is still on Sollel.

Sollel gasps but knows better than to be distracted. She keeps on fighting, observing that he and his sister has the same weak points.

"I must say Princess. You're quite a challenge. I'd say it would be nice to spar with you on a sunny day while our kids watch from beyond cheering me on" he says still very engrossed in the fight.

Kais eyes widen at that and he growls, angry at the thought of another male having kids with his mate. Although he was weak he still got up and picked up his daggers still glaring at Damien.

"What on earth are you talking about" Sollel says trying to catch her breath. The fight has been going on for quite a long time

"Tell your lap dog to stop growling, Princess" he says with a smug smile. Just then Kai lands him a very heavy blow that sent him flying, landing a few metres away.

He growls again and Sollel turns and stares at his Wolf figure. He nuzzled his nose to her side and she realises she's bleeding there to. She looks up at him and before any of them could comprehend, lighting bolts dropped from nowhere driving themselves into Kai's skin, making him let out a loud howl and slump on the floor.

"What did you do to him" she says kneeling beside him, oblivious of the fight going on between Pubry, Ezekiel and the guards.

"I put him to sleep. He was crossing the line."

"What are you talking about you.. you beast!" She says malice and hatred evident in her voice and eyes.

For a second Damien feels bad but quickly gathers himself.

"Beast?!. You're the one crying over a dog"

"He is.. NOT A DOG" she says and larva passes through her eyes for a millisecond, throwing her off balance in the process.

Damien looks bewildered and anger surges through him. Why did she care about the wolf so much?!

"Alright. Play time's over. Carl. Tie those to up, alongside the wolf and keep them in the prison. Sade, tie Sollel up and keep her in my chambers. I have work to attend to"

They nod and proceed to follow his command.

"Let me go you blasted piece of dump!!" Pubry yells but is immediately injected with something that makes her shut down.

"Pubry!" Ezekiel says making a move, but is also injected as well.

Sollel doesn't make a move to struggle or fight. She just bends her head low with one thought in her mind. She has failed. She was so close, yet so far.

Hey lovelies. I want to thank those supporting this book. I mean, I didn't think it'll reach this far, thank you.

Who's your favourite character so far? Let me know.

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