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The next day they set off early towards the deserted forest. It was a tedious journey, due to the scorching son and the fact that they had to stop every hour, so Kai can catch his breath and loose up.

By evening, they arrived at the palace and Sollel was immediately rushed to a room while Pubry mixed some herbs and began the healing process.

She was able to get a reaction out of Sollel but she was still unconscious so they decided to let her rest while they freshened up.

"So. What do we do now?" Pubry said sitting beside Ezekiel who scooted closer to her.

They were sitted in the living room after freshening up

"We wait," Ezekiel replied, his eyes fixed on the flames dancing in the fireplace. "We wait for Sollel to awaken, and let her know the information we just found out."

Pubry nodded, her brow furrowed in concern. "I really hope she'll be okay"

Ezekiel turned towards her with a soft expression "She'll be fine pubry. Remember you both are fighters"

Pubry smiled at that but still turned to Sollel with a worried expression

"I know Sollel is brave, I also know she's the key to stopping them, But what if she gets seriously hurt in the process??"

Kai's hand instinctively went to stroke Sollels hair, his mind racing with the weight of their quest. "We'll protect her, no matter what. We'll make sure she has the chance to fulfill her destiny."

As they sat in silence, the fire crackling between them, the shadows in the room seemed to grow longer, as if darkness itself was listening in, waiting for its chance to strike...

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours... And slowly the breaking of a new day approached. The beginning of a battle that'll end the quest and end a lot of things.

Sollel woke up feeling like a log of wood and found it hard to move any part of her body. She let out a groan attempting to lift her hand but ended up making very little progress.

Kai felt her stirring and turned towards her quickly rushing to her side.

"Sol? Sol are you okay??"

She peered at him and shook her head no. He called out for pubry who seemed delighted that the princess was awake. She quickly gave her pain killers and within a little while Sollel felt better.

She sat up and faced the horizon staring at the sun peeking from the clouds.

"What in Tretta's name happened?"

"You got struck with an ice blast. From Ranel. But she's dead now" pubry said sitting on the center table

"It was destined to happen" Ezekiel said shrugging

"What was?" Sollel asked turning to face him.

"You and Damien. Everything. My grandma told us. Damiens father cursed you"

"Why would damiens father curse me??" Sollel asked looking more confused.

They all looked at each other and Kai sighed and squatted next to Sollel and tried to explain everything Zeke's grandma explained to them.

"That's messed up... So you're telling me that wraiths are humans? That were cursed?"


"And I'm a demi god because my mum was a god who had a complicated relationship with a vampire and a warlord??"

"Well not e--"

"It's settled then. If my life is not normal, I'm not going to do things the normal way. It's fight or die. I can feel it. I don't know what it is but I can feel it. It's coming" she says softly

"Whatever it is, we'll be right here. Right by your side" Kai said placing a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at him with a soft smile and then it dropped as if she remembered something.

"Oh my Goodness Kai are you okay. You were really hurt, are you alright now?" She said searching for any signs that shows he's hurt.

"Hey hey, hey, I'm fine. I'm fine okay. I'm a wolf we heal faster" He says taking her hands in his with a soft smile dancing on his lips. "Although I must say though, I do enjoy the attention and concern" He says leaning closer.

A tinge of red stains Sollels cheeks as she tries to cover her fluster with an awkward cough. Kai chuckles and pulls her into his arms situating her on his laps and resting his chin on her head.

"Kai? What are you doing??"

"Shhh. I'm cuddling with my mate" He says with a mock serious voice.

Sollel chuckles and leans closer to him, falling asleep to the steady pound of his heartbeat..

Pubry and Zeke on the side gon be like 👁️👄👁️

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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