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Sollel blinked her eyes as she tried to take in her surrounding. She was in a wooden room with only one window that was four inches long, bringing light into the dark room. She rubbed her eyes as she tried to recall how she got here.

She then remembered the mab she fought yesterday.. Is he the one that brought her here?, what was she doing here?.

She stood up but a sharp pain on her left thigh, pulled her down. She looked down and saw a big gash on her leg that was still bright red and soggy, showing that it wasn't treated.

She sighed and tore the tip of her shirt. Looking around, she saw a puddle of water from the leaking roof. She dipped her torn cloth into the water and dabbed the wound with it. She knew it wasn't hygienic but she had no choice. She had to clean and cover up the wound if she didn't want it to get infected, and she left her satchel at the inn. She hissed as she cleaned the wound. After cleaning it, she wrapped the cloth around the wound to cover it.

She leaned back on the wall. She needed to escape here, as soon as possible. She wondered how pubry was doing and where she was now.

She was still thinking when the door creaked open and the man that brought her here came in and shot the door behind him.

"Ah, princess you're awake"

She didn't answer him.

"How was your sleep" he asked sarcastically.

She still doesn't answer him.

"Hmm. Listen honey, snubbing me won't do you any good. You're gonna be killed any way.

Her eyes widen in shock.

"K-kill me?, why?"

"Ah so you can talk. Anyway it was meant to be a surprise but i guess it wont hurt to give you a heads up. Tomorrow morning you die."

"Why do i die" she asked for the first time since she could remember, scared.

"Long story. Your father did something blah blah, my king wants revenge, blah blah. That's where you come in. Like a rat walking right into the trap. Speaking of rats, they're many here"

She glares at him as he Walks away.

"So you're okay with this. Killing an innocent young girl because your king wishes. My blood will be on you too."

He stopped and he clenched and unclenched his fists.

"The guilt tripping wont work on me"

"Huh.. It's fine, but reflect on what i just said and while you're at it. I'm starving can i get something to eat."

"Fine. And princess, just know anything I'm doing ain't personal. Besides your father killed princess Artii. King Donald's daughter" The man said leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

Wait what!?


"Sollel!.. Sollel?" "Sollel" pubry said and sat on a rock crying.

"Where are you sol. Please be okay"


She looked up and saw Kai there looking at her with a worried expression on his face.

"K-kai? What are you doing here?"

"Forget that. Why are you here crying and where is my Lad.. Sollel?"

"That's the problem. I can't find her and i have this bad feeling that she needs my help."

Kai's eyes change colour as he clenches his fists.

"Since when?"

"Since.. Since i woke up. I couldn't find her anywhere. I looked around for a solid hour and i couldn't find her, i don't know what to do I'm scared" she says wrapping her hands around her body.

"I need togo"

"Need to go where?" Pubry said drying her tears.

"To go rescue my lady"


"Do you know any one here?"

"Yes my grandma lives around."

"Then go there. Gather any information you can about Fired and--"

"Fired? Why?"

"--just do as i say. Gather all the information you can and then meet me at the entrance when i call you."

"Call me with what?"

"Telepathy" he said smirking.

"Huh" he put a pin on her hair.

--Now you can hear me.

••Woah are you in my mind.

--something like that. This way i can speak to you without talking and you can hear and talk to me too.


"That's that. I have to go. Be safe"

"Yeah you too. Bye"

"Bye" he said running the opposite direction into the woods.


Sollel was still thinking about what she just heard. Her father killed someone? How? Why? And how did she get involved in all this mess.

She looked up when she heard the door creak open and a young girl came in with a tray of food.

"General Hans said to bring this to you." She says dropping the tray beside Sollel.

"Ugh. What is this?"

"Garlic bread and dried pumpkin leaf sauce"

"You guys eat that here."

"Well no. I think it heals wounds but i hear it also makes you weak" she says turning around to leave.

"Tell your general i appreciate"

She nodded and went out the door..

Sollel looked at the food, then at the window. This wont work. She cant be weak if she wants to escape but the cut in her thigh wasn't helping at all. So she quickly ate the sauce and as she was about to take a bite into the bread, she heard a sound.

She looked towards the direction and saw someone trying so quietly to create a hole in the wooden door.

"Huh?" She said mouth agape and the bread fell out from her hand when she saw who was there.

"What in the world??"

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