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The next morning, Pubry, Ezekiel and kai left the inn and set off towards where they assumed was the deserted forest.

After walking for a while, they came across the entrance to the deserted forest. They all turned to each other with wide eyes and a smile on each of their faces.

They ran towards the entrance and straight to the palace.

Zuma met them at the entrance and he looked both surprised and happy.

"Your majesty!. Where have you been and what happened??"

"I'll explain everything later Zuma. But now gather everyone as fast as you can."

Zuma nods and heads out.

"Pubry. I'll come with you as we heal my people. And Kai if you're looking for any answer, speak to my grandmother."

Kai nods and starts walking towards the direction Ezekiel pointed out to him.

Ezekiel and Pubry walk towards the field which was no slowly filling up.

"You ready your majesty?" Pubry says looking up at Ezekiel and handing him a Vail and a syringe.

"I'm ready little elf" Ezekiel said fondly, taking the items from her.

Kai finally reaches the door and knocks twice. It opens on its own before the third knock.

He looks shocked but walks in anyway.

"Uh.. hello? Ezekiel's grandma?"

"I have a name you know" A voice says coming out from the dark and sitting on one of the two chairs in the room.

"Sorry" Kai says not knowing what else to say.

"So. You're here for answers"

"How--how did you---- know?"

"I know everything. I'm sure of what I'm doing. The question is, are you sure of what you're doing?"


"You want answers right?"


"But to what questions exactly?"

She says and Kai is taken aback again. That's right he knows he's here for answers but to what question exactly. That he has no idea.


She chuckles.

"Sit child." She says nodding towards the other chair in the room and kai sits slowly.

"Now listen. Are you sure you want answers to your questions, even if you don't have questions?"

Kai was confused but he replied in the affirmative nevertheless.

"So what do you want to know"

"Every thing about everything. Starting from the Beginning."

"Well. Let's see. It was always the mother of rain and the mother of sun. That's what all the books say. But not everything is what it seems.

Most of the theories in those books are made up. Made up by mythologers to fill in the gaps in the story."

"How do you know that most of it was made up?"

"Well I'm a reincarnate and this is my fourth life. So son, I was there when it all started."


Sollel sat on the small bed hugging her knees to her chest. Cold bit into her skin as she shivered involuntarily.

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