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"Soul what?!"

"You're my soulmate"

That word 'soulmate' kept on ringing in Sollel's mind. She was walking towards the chambers they was given to them, absent mindedly.

She opened the door and stopped in her tracks when she saw Pubry mixing different things on the coffee table.

"Pubry? What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to figure out the function of each blood before mixing them" Pubry said transferring substances from Vial to vial.

Sollel walked towards her and observed what she was doing.

"Are you sure this is even going to work?"

"I think. I've marked out the possibilities. Besides those two creatures stay where its hot. Don't you think they have a link with Sollel?"

"That makes sense"

"What did Ezekiel tell you?"

"It's really wierd. He said I'm his soulmate"

"What that's impossible!" Pubry said shocked.

"I know that and i have to get to the bottom of this, it cant be. I need to see kai"

"Yeah. Hold up a bit, I'll come with you" Pubry said rounding up her experiment.

They both went out of the room towards the dining room and they found Ezekiel there reading a novel.

"Ezekiel i need to see Kai"


"He's my friend and i need to see him. Is there a problem with that?"

"No. I have no problem with that" He says bluntly "Lets go see your friend " Ezekiel said walking ahead towards a dark corridor and they followed closely behind.

They walked down a couple of stairs for some minutes until they got to a dimly lit hall.

They walked down a couple of cells until they got to a particular cell and Ezekiel stopped.

"Your friend." He said gesturing towards the cell.

Sollel walked closer and looked in and saw Kai sitting on the floor, his head slumped in defeat. He had an angry aura around him.

"Open. The. Door" Sollel said with a shaky voice.

Ezekiel gave her a narrow look and then pulled out a set of keys from his pockets and opened the cell door.

Sollel and Pubry ran inside.

"Kai?" Sollel said crouching down to his level.

Kai looked up and his now red eyes softened when he saw her.

"S-solle-l? Are y-ou oka-y?"

"Kai i should be asking you that question. You look terrible." Sollel said with anger building inside her.

"I.. I.. I d-ont kno-w."

Sollel clenched her fists in anger.

She doesn't understand why Kai had to go through this. He's done nothing but help her.

"Prince Ezekiel or whatever" Sollel said turning towards Ezekiel "I wont stand here and watch you harass my friend for no reason. Who do you think you are"

Ezekiel wasn't fazed by her yelling.

"I'm simply trying to protect my soulmate"

"Screw that. I'm not your soulmate and i dong care about you or your bullshit story. I wont let you harass Kai any longer" Sollel said red with anger. Pubry was at the corner watching them.

Kai then got up weakly and faced Ezekiel. Compared to kai, Ezekiel looked short.

"Wha-t do you mea-n soulmate?" Kai said his face very close to Ezekiel's.

"I said Sollel is my soul--"

"That's bullshit cos I'm a wolf and Sollel is MY mate!" Kai said clenching his fists.

Pin drop silence engulfed the cell. All that could be heard was kai's ragged breathing.

"What are you talking about"

"We wolves only mate once. And when we find our mates we know. Sollel. Is. Mine." Kai said growling.


They were all seated in the living area, Kai was sitting with his hands clasped as different thought raced through his mind. He has been given food and his wounds where covered.

Ezekiel paced round the room occasionally glancing at Sollel who was in her own world of thoughts.

'I'm Kai's mate?. But how's that possible?' Sollel thought to herself.

Pubry was just staring intently at Ezekiel, trying to understand the reason her heart raced when the look of hurt and pain flashed through his eyes when kai said Sollel is his mate. Why did she feel like wiping that pain from his face.

They all sat in silence waiting for Ezekiel's grandmother to come and clarify the situation.
And just then an old woman in a white long skirt and a black lace shirt walks in.


"Hey sonny. Why did you call me?" She said sitting down on the single chair opposite Sollel and Pubry.

"Yes grandma, can you tell me again what happens when a wraith isn't attracted to a humans blood."

"They're soulmates"

"Exactly my point. I'm not attracted to Sollel's blood so it means she's my soulmate" Ezekiel said facing kai, who just glared at him without saying a word.

Ezekiel's grandmother turned to look at Sollel and stared at her with her golden eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head in confusion.

"Is she the one?" She asked pointing at Sollel.

"Yes grandma. Why what happened?"

"There must be a mistake somewhere. She's not human"

"WHAT?!!!" Ezekiel, Kai, Pubry and Sollel screamed at the same time.

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