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  Meanwhile the guards of the kingdom of Tretta had advanced towards the desert. The king put up a price for anyone who could find the princess. The money was tempting to the chef Moyhel, who helped Sollel escape.

She needed the money for her daughters treatment, so she told the king Sollel's whereabouts. Though she didn't tell him her involvement in the plan or where exactly Sollel was heading to.

The king then sent his men after her and in no time, they arrived at the desert.

Sollel and her group where walking slowly through the large desert, when they heard footsteps behind them.

They turned and they found the palace soldiers behind them.

"Oh no no no no!" Sollel said when she turned her neck and saw them there. She immediately knew Mohyel betrayed her.

She turned fully and Pubry and Kai stopped and stood by her.

"Who are they?" Pubry asked

"They are the palace soldiers the question is why are they here" Kai said tilting his head.

The leader of the soldiers came up to them and stopped in front of Sollel and bowing slightly.

"Princess Sollel Rani Gayatri of Tretta kingdom, lord Ben at your service"

"Prin..cess? Sollel? Sol... Whats going o.."

"What do you want?" Sollel asked the soldiers clenching her jaws.

"Under the authority of King Adral, we are asked to bring you home, back to the palace." Lord Ben said

"I'm not going anywhere, not until i complete my mission." Sollel said ready to fight.

"Well then, my apologies your highness, but we'll have to take you by force"

"Then you'll have to go through me then." Kai said stepping in front of Sollel.

"And me too" Pubry said pulling out her bow and arrow.

Sollel smiled, happy she had companions.

Lord Ben sighed and shouted..

"Get her!"

Sollel pulled out her sword when she heard that order. She was very good with the sword, she learnt how to fight with it from her grand father.
Kai too brought out his two war blades and started fighting the soldiers that were attacking him. Some soldiers approached Sollel in an attempt to subdue her, but she won't give up easily.

Fighting the palace soldiers wasn't easy. They where the best in the whole of Adral. They were about twenty of them and from the look of things, Sollel's team was loosing.

Five minutes later and the fight is still in full swing. Sollel, Pubry and kai haven't been subdued yet, but they weren't winning either.

In the process of fighting, Kai's arm was slashed by one of the Soldiers sword and for some reason, this seemed to make Pubry very furious.

She muttered something under her breath and a green light emitted from her body and surrounded Sollel, Kai and herself, then blasting towards the Shocked soldiers, causing them to fly off in different directions.

The glow finally disappeared, and pubry ran to Kai who was on the floor clutching his bleeding arm.

"Are you okay?" She asked kneeling beside him. Sollel just stood there in shock at what just happened.

"What just happened?" She asked walking towards Kai and pubry.

Pubry didn't answer, she just placed her hand on Kai's bleeding arm and muttered some incoherent words. When she finally stopped the cut on Kai's arm disappeared.

She stood up and so did Kai. She turned and faced a confused Sollel.

"I guess we both haven't been honest with each other. Let's start all over.. Hi, I'm Pubry and I'm an elf" She said taking off her beanie.


They all sat in a circle, on small rocks. Sollel had confusion written all over her face, Pubry looked apologetic while kai had a blank expression on his face. They have been sitting there for about five minutes staring at each other.

"You're an elf" Sollel said barely above a whisper and her eyes fixated on Pubry's pointy ears.

She has heard a lot about elves, and she knew they had their own kingdom that wasn't visible to just anyone. It was a taboo to leave the Elven kingdom and this added to her confusion as to what pubry was doing outside her kingdom.

"Yes, I'm an elf" Pubry said answering the question Sollel asked.

"I have questions" Sollel said sitting straight.

"So do i" pubry said.

"I'll ask then you'll ask. Deal?"


"Why are you outside your kingdom?"

"I was banished"


"Uh uh.. My turn to ask. You're Princess Sollel?"

"Yes, yes i am."

That changed a lot, and made things a whole lot easier.

"Why were you banished from your kingdom?"

"The reasons are personal. Why is a princess in the forest? And not in your palace?"

"Personal reasons too."

Kai then coughed and the two ladies turned to face him.

"I have a question for Sollel"

"Well go ahead!"

"Where do you plan to go after Ager?"

"Like i said it's personal. Besides it doesn't concern you Kai, Our deal ends at the border of Ager" she said getting up and dusting her clothes.
"I still have questions, but ill save them for later. We have to go. Its just two days left for us to reach Ager."

She said signalling for them to follow her and then she started walking. They travelled in silence this time. Everyone occupied with their own thoughts.

Sollel, thinking about why she trusts this Elf and still let her accompany her. Maybe it's because she helped her or.. She really didn't know why. Plus her journey into The kingdom of Wraiths was slowly becoming a reality. She'll just have to cross Ager, which was easy. But the real problem here will be crossing 'Fired', the mystery behind that place gave her goosebumps.

Pubry was thinking about how everything fell so smoothly. She believed this was destined to happen.
"Granny will be happy to see the cara of our generation and the only one who can and will return the star"
She thought to herself.

Kai on the other hand was blank but suddenly smiled to himself. 'my lady said we'll part ways at the border of Ager, yea right, like I'll let her go.."
Sorry princess but i have to be there for you, whether you like it or not.

They kept walking until they came across a little river.

"What the hell?!" Sollel shouted. "What  on earth is a river doing in a desert?"

Hey, this chapter was a little bumpy but hope it was worth your time.
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