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The deserted forest..
Abode of the wraiths...
Poseidon's palace.

The Son of the Leader of the wraiths walked into the palace after patrolling the premises.

The prince of the Wraiths Ezekiel Poseidon, was a man with grace and power. He was very dominating and was known for his ability to blend with humans and it was very hard to know he was a Wraith. He usually patrols the premises during night time, looking for any threat or just going on late night hunting.

He saw two girls yesterday night when he was flying his gryphon, one was human he was sure, but the other wasn't. The thing that really bothered him is that, not only did he not kill her immediately he saw her,(because he was very hungry at that point), he also waited behind a tree until she fell asleep and he came to watch her sleep, waiting for the urge to attack, but none came, and he felt wierd about that.

He was curious as to why the human captured his interest, which explains why he was heading to the dungeons inn to find out from his grandmother, what was happening to him.

He went downstairs and into the dungeon. No one knows why Dorchas, his grandmother, decided to stay in the dungeon, but they let her be.

He walked towards her room door and knocked.

"Come in Zeke"

"How do you know it was me?"

"I'm Eighty years old, i know everything"

"Okay then, do you perhaps know why i didn't feel enticed to a certain human's blood?"

"Was it a girl?"

"Yeah why?"

"Now come son sit." She said gesturing to the chair adjacent to hers."You might be the second wraith in our lineage to fall in love with a human."

"Fall in love?, who's talking about falling in love?, she's human grandma, food!.."

"That's what my brother said too, until he couldn't get his mind of the queen. You know we Wraiths, fall in love only once and when we do, if we can't be with the one we love, the weak ones commit Suicide"

"Why are you telling me all these?"

"You said you couldn't find the urge to eat her right?"


"That was how my brother had no urge to eat his wife."

He just stared blankly at her, trying to process what she was saying.


Sollel and pubry finally reached the border separating the woods and the desert. They fought swarms of bush rats and that was all, the rest of the day was quite peaceful.

When they reached the border they saw a little town, just at the edge of the desert.

"There's a town here?, how come the map doesn't say so?" Sollel asked looking confused.

"Oh, this town is a very small town where merchants stay. Now for those taking this route to the city of Ager, will need a Guard. These guards guide you and help fight beasts off until you reach Ager and you pay them for their services."

"Really?.. Well we don't need a guard, we can fight off beasts ourselves and i have a map to guide me, so lets go." Sollel said moving forward.

"Sol, i really advice you get a guard. First of all, the beasts here are mystical and it takes years of training to be able to fight them. That's why these guards are expensive. Secondly, i don't think that map is very accurate, considering the fact that it was written in the old language. So i advice we get a guard"

"But it's my mission and i want to achieve it by my own strength"

"The last time you tried that you almost lost your head to a wolf"

Sollel fell silent when she remembered that event.

"Fine, but i don't have money to pay for any guard"

"That's fine, I'll pay" pubry said walking towards the small town.

Sollel scoffed and followed her.

When they reached the town, they saw a red wodden building with a large logo on it.

They walked in and went towards the receptionist.

"Hello how may i help you" the receptionist said. Sollel was trying to figure out if she was a wraith, but she relaxed when she realised she was human.

"Uhm we'll like a strong guard please"

"Where to?"


"Okay.. Lets see.. Any preferences? Height?, race?, specie?....".

Sollel just watched in disgust, how they were discussing about a human being with the same tune they'll use when they want to rent a cart.

"No, no preferences"

"Okay in that case..." She said and picked up the phone that was sitting on the table and quickly dialed a number. "Yes, guard 901 please, thank you"

Four minutes later a tall guy in a brown ripped shirt and black Jean trousers and black boots came out of a door they didn't know was there, and walked towards them.

"This is kai and he'll be your guard for just a hundred gold coins"

"A hundred what?!" Sollel shouted causing the three of them to look at her.

Pubry just shook her head and paid the receptionist.

"Thank you and hope you reach Ager safely"

"Thank you" pubry said and walked out with a mad Sollel following her. She then stopped when they were outside the building and turned to the guard.

"Since we'll be travelling the desert together for a week, we might as well introduce ourselves. I'm Pubry"

"I'm Kai. And my lady you are?" He said asking Sollel when she didn't say her name.

"I don't know" she said ignoring the amused expression on his face.

"Sol. Her name is Sol" pubry said

"Well if she won't tell me her name herself, I'll call her my lady"

Sollel sighed and walked ahead of them.

"Pubry, is there an inn here?. I need a good bed to sleep on"

"Uhm i think... This way."

When they reached the inn, kai then said.

"Good idea to rest because tomorrow is going to be hectic"

He said and walked towards the door and then stopped.

"I'll be back, first thing tomorrow morning" he said and walked away.

My chapters aren't very long i know, but as we proceed, it will get longer and more fun. Please don't hesitate to share your opinion in the comment section and support me by voting. Thanks.

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