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"What do you mean I'm not human?" Sollel asked looking confused.

"I mean Kiel here wasn't attracted to your blood because you're not human, so that means you arent soulmates"

"If I'm not a human, what am i?"

Ezekiel's grandmother looked around at all their curious faces and smiled.

"You all don't know, but all these while, you've been travelling with a demigod."

They all gasped and Sollel's jaw dropped in shock.

Ezekiel's grandmother smiled at them and got up and walked away.

They all turned to Sollel who was trying to process the whole information.

"It's possible you know, you're the daughter of Sollel the mother of fire and sun after all" Pubry said connecting the dots.

Ezekiel stomped out of the room embarrassed and sad. Pubry turned towards the direction he went and followed him to see what he was up to.

"So you're a god?" Kai asked speaking for the first time.

"Demigod...." Sollel said blankly.


"Kai. Why didn't you tell me I'm your mate?"

"You are on a very important mission and i didn't want to disturb or burden you with my feelings"

"So you assumed on your own that I'll consider it a burden?"

"I--i just wasn't sure"

"Ugh, i cant deal with all this now, i feel like my head is gonna explode" Sollel said walking towards the stairs.


Pubry followed Ezekiel till he reached the balcony. She peeped and watched as he huffed and clenched his hands on the rails.

Her chest clenched and unclenched and she had no idea why. She observed Ezekiel closely and observed a vein on his neck. It was a little bigger than other veins and the blood was a darker shade of red, almost black. She brought out her book from her pouch and wrote that down.

"What are you doing?"

Pubry slowly looked up from her note pad and met Ezekiel staring down at her with a curious and pissed expression on his face.

"Are you angry?" Pubry said blurting the first thing that came to her mind.

"Why would i be?"

"I mean..all that just happened.."

"Well little elf, as you can see, I'm perfectly fine"

"I'm not a little elf. I'm tougher than i look." She said glaring

"Really?" He said smirking with an 'i don't believe you expression' "Well tough elf.. What's your name?"

"Why should i tell you?"

"Ugh because I'm the prince?"

"As if. I answer to no one." Pubry said turning to walk away, when a guard rushes in...

"Your h-high-ness"

"Zuma. Whats the problem?"

"Rogues. They're on the loose"

"What? How?!" Ezekiel asked in shock

"They were spotted trespassing"

"Leave the guards out of this, I'll handle this on my own. Don't tell my father, he's not healthy at the moment and this news won't help."

"I'm coming too, i have some investigations to make and besides my help can come in handy."


"Why?, you scared that I'll prove you wrong that I'm not weak?"

"That's not it.."

"Then let me come with you"

"Fine but anything that happens is on you"


Ezekiel and pubry finally arrived at a clearing which was at the entrance of the deserted forest.

"Where're the rogues?"

"They should be here any minute" Ezekiel said facing the horizon

"So the rogues, how did they come about?.."

"Is this part of your investigation stuff?"


"Anyway, rogues have existed as long as i can remember, they're just what humans will call criminals. Those defying the laws."

"Wraiths have laws?"

"Of course. Every creature existing make use of laws. It's what keeps the delicate balance of life"

"Wow. Huh. So, wraiths, you guys live forever?"

"No. In fact, humans might have longer life span than us. Although we are hard to kill, nature takes us pretty early."

"Really? So, you guys don't live up to a hundred years?"

"Ninety is the highest and it's very rare to find an 89 years old wraith" He said looking forlorn. "That's why some of us go rogue. When they go rogue, they loose privileges as wraiths. So their life span is elongated. That's why rogues are always thirsty for blood because they are living a forced life span. They sometimes feed on animals which is not quite good. They can never be wraiths again because to us, they are defiled"

"So why are they here?"

"To get the grant will to attack humans"

"Grant will?"

"Yes. When we wraiths invade human territories, we have 'grant will' that keeps us safe...without it, they cant attack, so they try to steal it. And trust me, if the wraiths are harmful, rogues are monstrous and deadly.

Pubry was about to respond when they heard deep chuckling coming from opposite them.

"We meet again, prince Ezekiel" The one who looked like the leader said.

"Nice to meet you too 'brother' " He said, his fangs and nails elongating.

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