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"It all started years ago. Actually Ranel and Sollel were once really close--


--dont interrupt me hun. As I was saying they were really close. That was until a prince visited. He was everything perfect. He was breathtaking and I mean breathtaking. But he was cold and withdrawn. He visited for two weeks.

During his stay, Ranel fell deeply in love with him. She'd try to get his attention but his heart was made of stone. Ranel told her sister Sollel about her attraction to the prince and Sollel promised to help her out.

In the process of playing Cupid, she caught the princes eyes and the cold prince fell for sollel.--


"--Sollel wasn't happy that he wasn't attracted to her sister and she confronted him, but he was so whipped that he didn't really care about what she was saying.

Ranel was heartbroken but she couldn't really blame Sollel although she was slightly jealous that she wasn't the one to break his walls.

Sollel noticed her sisters mood change drastically so she did the only thing she felt she could do at that point and that was to drug the prince and lock him in the same room as Ranel.

Ranel didn't seem to mind. She was happy that the man she was so in love with spent the night with her.

But things didn't turn out as Sollel had planned. Instead of him falling for her, he detested her and accused her of forcefully lying with him.

Sollel tried to explain that she was the one who planned it all, but he was blinded by love and pushed it aside believing that Sollel was trying to defend her sister.

Ranel was heartbroken. Again. And she fell into depression. She started comparing herself to her sister and slowly started detesting her.

During that period it was discovered that the prince was a vampire and that made things way worse.

Sollel eventually fell in love with a warlord and he in love with her. When their engagement was to be announced, the prince found out about it and went to a fit of rage.

He refused to let anyone take Sollel from him but Sollel told him that she doesn't love him. That made the prince, Damien, to commit suicide. But not before cursing Sollel that her first child will battle with love and get heartbroken.

He died a pitiful death by jumping off a cliff and that also made Ranel break into a fit of rage.

To complicate issues, she was pregnant with Damien's baby. She hated Sollel with every being and watching her happily married made her angry.

Her delivery was a tough one. I mean she was carrying a Vampire baby. Once he was born she named him Damien.

Not too long later, Sollel conceived and it broke Ranels heart to see her husband treat her like an egg during her period of pregnancy while hers was miserable.

So she did the worst thing she could think of, place a curse, to create wraiths. Wraiths at that point we're extremely extremely dangerous.

Sollel tried to save her baby by placing her into an earthly vessel that was too weak to bear an immortal, so the baby was passed down to generations.

Ranel went into hiding when they tried to kill her for creating a curse. What they did not know was that she was pregnant for a general and just as  she delivered, she handed her baby over to Damien and made him promise to protect her and that he did.

Not to long after, she was killed by a wraith and that my dears is how it all ended" She says and studies all their expressions. Shock was the most prominent.

"Oh my heav!! How? Why? How?"

"How why what?"

"Like this is just so confusing"

"That's why it's a long story" she said shrugging.

"Grandma.... If you're a wraith, how did you know all this?"

"Because I was there. Oh there's something I need to clarify. We weren't created we were cursed. We were originally members of the kingdom but she cursed as all. That's why Sollels last wish was to not kill us but to cure us."

"Wow. But you're not cured yet" Pubry said trying to process the info a step at a time.

"Says who?"

"I swear I'm more confused than before"

"So.. let me summarize this" Pubry said biting the end of her pencil "Sollel is Sollels child and Prince Damien and Ranel are children of Ranel. That means Damien is a Vampire just like his father. So that's what Ranel meant when she told Sollel that she wants to get revenge for what her mother did."

"Yeah. She probably heard the story from Damien" Ezekiel says.

"Wait. Wait. wait." Kai says raising his hands up.


"Damiens curse!!"

"Could it be...."

"No way!" Pubry says covering her mouth in shock while Kai clenches his fists in anger.


I know it's short but it's like 2am right now and I'm wnsmdmdkklllllll.

Sorry. Dosed off.🤗

Anyways what do you guys think?

I need to edit this chapter but maybe when I'm not lazy😊.

Okay bye for now and who else felt bad for Ranel in this chapter. Like unrequited love can be painful. Been there done that.

K bye.

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