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Sollel jumped down and looked at him closely.

"I'm not buying that. I need the truth kai"

"I can't. I cant tell you"


"You don't trust me plus you already hate me, and telling you will only make you hate me more"

Sollel flinched and sat on a rock nearby.

"You think i hate you?"

"You don't?" He said squatting down so he was her face level.

"No. It's just, I felt i wanted to make it alone and you helping me wasn't giving me that chance. So i felt if i pushed you away you'd leave. I didn't know it gave you an impression that i hate you." She said looking sad and Kai chuckled.

"And here i was wondering what i did that you hate me so much."

"I don't hate you Kai. If anything i admire your bravery. And you made me understand that no one's gonna make it alone."

"That's right. We have to have each others back"

"I have a question for you and i want you to be 100% honest with me"

"Okay. And i also have a question for you"

"Why did you come back?"

"I felt you needed my help. And i came into Ager and found Pubry crying."

"Pubry was crying?" Sollel said worried.

"Yes." Kai said shrugging and Sollel felt bad for leaving the room without informing her first. "Now my question. Where are you going and what's your mission"

"If i answer you will you answer my next question truthfully"

"You have another question?"


"Sure. Answer my question truthfully and I'll answer yours"



"I'm going to the deserted forest to find the star that was stolen from my kingdom."

"Deserted forest? As in the kingdom of wraiths?"


"Why would you go there alone? You could get hurt you know."

"I know. But it's worth a shot. My people are suffering and i cant let innocent people die for something that they know nothing about."

"Huh! Fine. Can i come with you?"

"Only on one condition"

"What condition?"

"How did you find me"

Kai hesitated and clenched his fists before coming closer to Sollel and holding her arms.

"Promise you wont hate me"

"I promise?"

"Huh. I sniffed you"

"Sniffed me?! What the?"

"I know your scent by heart and i followed it to the prison."

"But i cant sniff your scent"

Kai chuckled.

"That's because, I'm a wolf"

"Oh my stars!" Sollel said pulling back, her eyes widening. Then she fainted.

"Sollel?" Kai said rushing to her side.


"Why is a book named 'Sollel' "

Pubry said running her hand through the top of the book.

She tried to open it but it was locked. It required a number combination to open.


••Kai? What's up?

--what do you do when someone faints.

••What?! What happened to Sollel?

--She fainted.


--it's a long story, just tell me what to do

••She just fainted so just lie her down and let her be. She'll wake up.

-- Okay thanks.

••Uhm wait. C--can you check Sollels lower back for any number combination next to her tattoo?

--what?!, I'm not doing that.

••please it's very important.

--Fine.. Uhm there's... This is so not easy at all... Uhm wow she has a tattoo.. There's no.. Oh wait. I can see 5540. Whatever that means.

••Yes! I knew it. Thanks Kai. I'll talk to you later bye

She quickly inputed the digits into the lock and it clicked open. A golden light emmited from the book and it disappeared.

"Sollel Vani. Mother of fire and sun. Cara of the first generation. She was a fierce woman with a gentle heart. She blessed the people and creatures with a natural bliss and wisdom that she received from the creator.

Everything was going well, Except the marital aspect of Sollel's life. Many worthy men came for her hand in marriage, but all were turned down. Sollel finally found the man of her dreams in  warlord Keith.

Everything went well from then onwards. Not until a certain day the mother of rain was jealous of sollel and she created creatures called Wraiths--

Oh my deities!

--To attack her. The wraiths ended up killing the mother of rain and the mother of fire and sun. But before that Sollel was pregnant with a child and she gave her child to and earthly vessel.. A human..

Due to the immortality in the child. The child lasted in the womb of the earthly mother and was passed on to her children--


-- The future was seen by Sollel before she died that there will be a star that can keep them away. But the star will be stolen and the child was destined to rescue the Wraiths with the help of two acrene creatures--

Rescue the wraiths? why?

The wraiths are still creatures that were inflicted with a bad blood. But they can be cured. That was Sollels last wish before she died, that they should be cured of her sister's curse.

The child can only defeat them with the sword of Sollel lost in 'fired' the home of Sollel. And the help of the acrene creatures sent to help her."

She flipped to the next page and it was empty.

"Wait wait wait. Sollel is Sollel's mother. Wait kai and I are the acrene creatures. But kai's human."

Pubry was confused but she quickly grabbed her bag and put the book into it. Along with the book with the history of Fymphs.

"Bye grandma"

"Where are you going".

"I'll be back. It's time to end this and save Tretta and all humanity."


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