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Picture on the side-- Ranel

"Turns out Sollel wasn't the only one who had a daughter"

Sollel froze in her tracks. She was speechless. The woman walked towards her with a menacing glare and stopped only when she was right in front of Sollel's face. She had an intimidating aura, but Sollel was trained better than to falter in anyone's presence.

"I watched you. I watched you think you're a hero. I watch you let your good spirit lead you to your doom. You're just like you're mother. Too blinded by good to accept the fact that we're gods and we can rule if we like" She says inching closer and matching Sollel's gaze.

"See that's where you're wrong. We can't rule just because we want to. No. We rule because it was bestowed upon us" Sollel says calmly, surprising herself because a thousand and one thoughts were swimming through her head.

The woman chuckled but still didn't move away.

"Who. Are. You?" Sollel asked glaring.

"Oh darling. Who am I?. Well I'll tell you. I am Ranel. The daughter of the mother of rain. And I'm gonna quench your fire, witch" She says and in a swift motion, brings out her sword slashing it through Sollels arm in one swift move.

Sollel groans in pain and staggers back but refuses to give up. She tries to push the pain to the back of her head, as she takes out her sword and takes her fighting stance.

"Stubborn are we? Well it looks like I'm going to have fun" she says and charges towards Sollel with full force and clashing of swords is heard.

Pubry and the others watch from beyond confused on whether to help or wait, but they all charge towards them when they see Kai doing so.

Ranel sees them from the side of her eyes and with a swift wave of her hands, they're all bound in chains. Kai somehow manages to break through and he charges towards Ranel causing a dent on her skin with his dagger.

"Arghhh. You filthy mutt" she yells and light shaped like a ball comes out of her hands, knocking him out completely.

"Kai!!!!!" Sollel screamed and charged towards Ranel, this time with anger. She fights and the same time tries to master her weakness. Ranel was a good fighter. It was expected of someone who decides to declare war.

Ranel and Sollel fight for a while that is until Sollel pushes her sword through her upper arm.

"My oh my Sollel. I must say. You are pretty mean when you're with a sword. Alright fun time's over" She says suddenly floating and glowing. She then generates from thin air, a massive ball which she releases towards Sollel.

Sollel rolls away quickly, but not fast enough for it not to hit her.

She slumps on the floor in pain as she feels her body giving in.

"This is just the beginning. I'll see you soon, sister." Ranel says with a laugh and Sollel finally gives in as everything turns black.


Sollel wakes up with a sharp pain in her chest as she tries to peel her eyes open. Looking around, she figures out she's in a dark empty room. She's still trying to process what's going on when a voice calls her.


"Kai? Is that you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Sol."

"Where's everyone?"

"Sol? What's going on? Where are we?" Pubry asks

"I don't really know." Sollel says and tries to run her hands through her hair but stops when she realises she's in chains.

"Who was she?"

"Pubry. Do you by any chance know anything about the mother of rain having a daughter?"

"What? No!. Wait is that woman her daughter?"

"That's what she said. She's too powerful, I don't think I stand a chance"

"Sollel don't say that. First of, your one of the strongest women I know and if anyone can take her down, it's you. Besides if she's the mother of rain's daughter, you are also the daughter of the mother of sun. So don't say you can't because you can" Kai says.

Sollel smiles although she knows he can't see her in the dimly lit room.

"Thanks Kai. I really needed to hear that."

"No problem. Just know I'm with you every step of the way"

"Me too" Pubry says.

"Me three" Ezekiel says chipping in from nowhere and all heads turn towards the sound of his voice.

"I thought you were still unconscious" Pubry asks him.

"I was, until Kai's motivational speech woke me up"  He says with a hint of sarcasm and they all chuckle.

"So what do we do now?" Ezekiel asks.

"We need information first. Pubry once we get out of here, the first thing you do is to research. Zeke you go with Pubry so she can give you directions on how to heal your people. Kai and I will try to stall her while we get the information we need." Sollel says with a straight face.

"Yes Ma'am" Ezekiel says immediately while Pubry and Kai answer in the affirmative.

"But first one thing needs to be done" Kai says.

"What's that?"

"We need to escape."

Hey everyone. We're now at 500+ reads. Like I'm so excited. This book once had two reads lmaoo.

Anyways thank you to my supporters,

Ghost readers 💞

And everyone. Ily guys.

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