
54 11 2

Dedicated to Valerievoyse

"Pubry can i have that book named Sollel?"

"Uhm okay..... Here you go"

Sollel looked around and found a nearby rock and sat on it.

She flipped the pages until she got to the end part, where its blank.

'That's where the book ends sol" pubry said.

"I know, but i feel there's...arrgh!" Sollel explains when something cuts her finger as she was running her index finger along the page.

"Oh my gosh!" Pubry says when the blood from Sollels finger turns golden and swirls round the blank pages revealing a hidden Message.

"Woah!" Pubry exclaimed, mouth agape.

"It runs and runs but never flees--


--it's often watched yet never sees. When long it brings boredom. When short it brings fear"


"Is it some sort of riddle?" Kai asks.

"I think" Sollel says trying to solve it.

"When long brings boredom... When short brings fear... Food?"

"Seriously?" Sollel asks rolling her eyes while Kai chuckled.

"Just a suggestion. Why don't you try kai"

"Uhm.. Lets see it runs but doesn't flee--

"Water?" Sollel says.

"Sol. How does water bring boredom or fear?"

"You ask me!. Do i look like i enjoy riddles?"

"Well water isn't it so we have to--"

"I got it!"

"Got what?" Pubry asks blinking her eyes.

Kai walks towards the wall which was suddenly glowing with all twenty six letters of the alphabet. Kai quickly imputes a four letter word and the wall shakes for some seconds then opens with a heavy creaking sound.

"Oh my gosh, kai!!" Sollel said hugging him.

"How did you?" Pubry said joining in the group hug.

Sollel then pulls away and meets a red faced Kai.

"What did you type?"

"It was simple, time"

Sollel and pubry try to connect the dots and then they laugh when it dawns on them.

"And a certain elf said it was food."

"Hey. You said it was water" Pubry said causing Sollel and Kai to laugh.

They then turn to face the opening which was pushed wide open by kai and in there lay a silver sword with a golden handle and a green emerald gem in the middle.

"Woah!" Pubry said and tried to pull out the sword but it wouldn't bulge.

"Step aside" kai said flexing his muscles causing Pubry to glare at him while Sollel just chuckled.

Kai tried to pull out the sword but wasn't able to. This made Pubry laugh so hard and caused kai to sigh in embarrassment.

"Let me try." Sollel said and the sword came out without her even applying pressure.

"Woah. Sol"

"This is the Sword of Sollel!" Pubry said covering her mouth with her hands.

"Come on team. Lets go free the world" Sollel said walking out of the cave with the sword in her hand.

"Atta girl!!!" Pubry shouted and followed her. While Kai smiled and trailed behind, still thinking about the hug earlier.


"Slowlyyy approachhhing.... The kingdom of Wrrrr...."

"Pubry. Please stop. Your singing is hurting my ears" Sollel said glaring at Pubry who was on Kai's back, getting a piggyback ride.

"Relax Sol. She's not in her right senses now."

"Huh you're right. Stubborn Pubry just had to run into those flowers while we're about to enter the deserted forest and get high."


"Did you just call me my full name pubry?" Sollel said gasping dramatically causing Kai to laugh.

"Sollel I'm hungry."

"You ate cinnamon rolls moments ago"

"I want to eatttttt soup and chicken and cake and brownies and pasta and and and.. Woah!! Look at that".

Sollel and kai both turned their attention from pubry and looked towards where she was pointing and saw the border of The deserted forest and a man or wraith with green hair coming down from a horse And walking towards them.

He stopped when he was only inches away from Sollel.

"You're the human from last time." He said with a which aura around him.

"And you're a wraith." Sollel says matching his gaze trying not to sound intimidated.

"You're mine." He says with a blank face.

"What?!!!" Kai screams nearly dropping Pubry who i giggling uncontrollably, while Sollel stares at him mouth agape.

"What are you talking about?" Sollel says when she recomposes herself.

"I'll explain when we get to the palace".

"You're not taking her anywhere you infidel!!" Kai says dropping Pubry and glaring at the man.

"And who are you?" He asks eyeing Kai.

"I'm.. I'm her friend."

"Get lost!"

Kai tries to stop him but only gets punched in the face. Acting on reflex action, kai punches him back causing the man's nose to bleed.

"Ass! How dare you. Guards!! Take this mad dog and lock him up"

"Hey let me go. You!! This is far from over!!"

Sollel stood there in shock as they took kai into a carriage and rode away, leaving her with this stranger and a drunk Pubry.

"What did you just do?"

"Look this might seem absurd--

"It is"

--but i can explain. But i cant explain here in the forest, we have to...."

He stops abruptly when pubry hugs him from behind.

"Hey daddy, you're so handsome"

"What the? Get this elf away from me."

"Pubry come here." Sollel said dragging pubry to her side, causing pubry to pout.

"Lets go"


"To my palace. Both you and your drunk friend" He said walking towards a red carriage.

Sollel sighed deeply and followed him with pubry holding tightly to her waist and singing a wierd sing about butterflies.

Well at least they're one step closer to achieving their aim...

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