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Sollel blinked open her eyes she looked to her left and saw kai resting on a tree sleeping.

She turned to the left and realised she was in the woods. How did they get here. Oh right she then remembered she was escaping.

Did she faint? Why?. Then it snapped.

"That's because I'm a wolf"

She stood up hastily and looked towards the direction of Kai who was still sound asleep.

She came close to him and knelt beside him observing his face. He looked very much like a human with his dark red hair resting on his face and hid smooth jawline.. And..

"Sollel. If you keep staring I'll get wrong ideas" Kai said with his eyes still closed.

Sollel stood up with her cheeks red from being caught staring.

Kai then opened his eyes and sat straight looking at Sollel who sat opposite him at a respectable distance with her legs crossed.

They sat in silence staring at each other for some seconds before Sollel finally spoke up.

"I'm hungry."

"What?! That's what you want to say?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Aren't you gonna ask me about, how I'm.. Younno... A wolf"

"Oh!. How are you a wolf" She said blinking her eyes and Kai chuckled.

"I was born a wolf. From the moon tribe."

"But you don't look like a wolf"

"That's because I'm in my human form. When i transform I'll be a wolf"

"Can you transform now?"



"There's no reason to. Aren't you scared"

"Well i won't say this feels normal, but still you rescued me and i owe it to you to trust you. But let me warn you, if i see any traitor signs in you, I'll burn you"

"Okay your highness"

"Don't call me that and-- whats that sound--"

They look towards the bushes where the ruffling of leaves was coming from.

"Oh my deities! Is that a bear?"

"I think it is!, they're native to these parts. Lets get the hell out of here"

They started running towards the other side of the forest. They could hear the deep growl of the bear behind them. But they keep on running.

Due to the injury on Sollel's thigh she was finding it difficult running for so long, causing the wound to bleed more. She slowed down and the bear pounced on her. But before she could get hurt, kai jumped on her causing the attack to hit him.

He then shifted into his wolf form on instinct and started fighting the bear.

Sollel looked up from the floor she was lying in covered in dirt and she watched Kai fight the bear.

She wish she could help but her sword was missing and the wound on her thigh was making her weak. She hates being weak, she hates sitting back and doing nothing but she could barely move from where she was.

Kai ended up killing the bear after being smashed on the floor several times. He finally collapsed on Sollel's laps causing Sollel to snap shut her eyes because she wasn't ready to see a naked man.

She took off her below knee level cloak and put it on kai, carefully buttoning it up with her eyes closed.

She sat in the middle of the forest with an unconscious kai and her weak self. Prone to attack from any creature or even the palace guards.

She managed to get on her knees and tried pulling kai but it was futile because he was huge.

"Come on Kai" she said dragging his hands.

"I am Sollel--" she said breathing heavily"-- and I'm not some princess who cant harm a fly, I'm a warrior. I don't give up" She then used all her might to pull Kai, she was able to drag him for thirty minutes.

She was aware of her bleeding hands and she was sure the attack from the bear and the scratches from the grass would give Kai a hard time later on.

She didn't know for how long she was pulling, all she knew was that it started raining heavily but she didn't stop. There was no shelter around so there was no point of stopping.

She was getting dizzy and was about to faint when she heard a familiar voice.



"Sollel?! Sol oh my Deities are you okay why do you look like a Zombie? What in the world happened to Kai. Why are you turning blue?"

"Heal him. P--please" she said and fainted falling on the wet ground, leaving pubry with two unconscious people and no shelter around.

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