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             Dedicated to BENMUSETHEDOPE

The next morning Sollel woke up to the Sound of beautiful singing.
She got up from the pave she was lying on saw pubry singing.

"Good morning Sol" Pubry said smiling and waving at her.

Sollel didn't answer her, she just got up and started walking.

Pubry pouted but followed her anyways. " I don't know you, but i feel your seemingly rude".

Sollel stopped and looked at her weirdly. No one has ever called her rude. In fact many adored and admired her. So for this girl to be telling her she's rude pissed her off.

"Oh really?, how if i may ask"

"Well first of all courtesy demands that you be polite. And ignoring my greeting wasn't very polite" Pubry said in her tiny voice.

Sollel chuckled.

"So this is about the greeting huh?.. Well good morning to you too Pubry"

Pubry smiled and then she suddenly frowned and came in front of Sollel as if trying to protect her.

"Don't move. Something is approaching"

Sollel tensed up when she heard a deep growl. She gripped the handd of her sword that was made by the best blacksmith.
She looked towards the direction the growl came from and from the shadows emerged about four big dogs, barring their fangs at them.

Pubry pulled out her bow and arrow ready to fight. Sollel has already underestimated her because of her cute voice and tiny nature, but when she saw her leap in the air using a large rock as her launch pad, her doubts faded. She shot one dog with three arrows mid air and this weakened the dog and made it angry.

The four dogs launched towards them with full speed and Pubry shouted..


"What! No!" Sollel said readying her sword.

"These are acrene wolves, they don't die easily"

"Fuck!" Sollel cursed and started running, she hated this.. Running.. It made her look weak. Stubbornly she stopped and started attacking the wolves.

She was good with the sword and very agile. She was able to slash one wolf and it fell down. This seemed to piss of the other wolves as they started attacking her. She fought tirelessly. She didn't see the wolf that was about to take off her head with its jaw.

"Sol!,watch out!" Pubry shouted from the distance but she didn't hear her. She tried to shoot it but she was too far.

Sollel was able to dodge her head but the side of her stomach was seriously injured and with her last strength she slashed the wolf that bit her and it dropped down dead. She fell on the floor and clutched her stomach in pain.

Pubry ran to her and shot the other wolf with five arrows and it fell down and let out a howl. She turned and saw the last wolf heading towards Sollel and she grabbed Sollel's sword that was lying on the floor and used all her might to slash the wolf.

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