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"Wait wait" Pubry said in between fits of laughter. "The bear gave you an uppercut?, hahaha my stomach. Haha i can't stop laughing"

Kai just watched Pubry and Sollel laugh at him. They where inside a cave and it was getting dark. They were sitting around the fire and Pubry asked about what happened earlier and that led to both Sollel and pubry laughing at Kai.

"Pubry stop, my stomach hurts from all the laughing. But really though. We need a solid plan this time in case we encounter any more 'bears' "

This made Pubry burst into laughter afresh.

"Ha ha very funny Sol. Bur you're right, we need a plan."

"Uhm if I'm supposedly the daughter of Sollel, then I'm somehow involved in this whole prophesy stuff"

"That's right, and according to the book, we need to find a sword and perhaps a cure for the curse" Pubry says.

"So then we proceed tomorrow. For now let's sleep and recharge our selves. First thing in the morning, we start" Kai says with authority

"Aye aye captain" Pubry says and Kai chuckles.

They discuss a little and go to sleep. After about ten minutes, pubry gets up and walks towards the edge of the cliff they were on. She takes out a Vial from her pouch and examines its content.

She then takes out the other book she took from the library and begins to study it. She doesn't seem to understand what she's looking at due to the worry lines etched on her face. After some minutes, she closes the book and puts the vial back in her bag and heads back to the cave to rest.


The morning was chilly due to the fact that the raining season was about to begin. Sollel, Kai and Pubry faced the horizon from the edge of the cliff. And after feeling the cool morning breeze for some seconds, they descend down the cliff, towards fired.

'Fired' was given that name for a reason, for as soon as the trio stepped foot into the wide range of land, they where hit by a scorching heat. Despite the season being cold, fired was almost like being burnt.

Sollel looked at pubry worriedly when she gulped the sixth bottle of water.

"Pubry are you okay?"

"I'm okay but how are you not feeling this heat."

"I can feel it but it isn't as severe as you both make it seem" Sollel said glancing at Kai whose shirt was soaked in sweat.

"Well i guess it's because you were running a temperature earlier"

"Maybe" Sollel said shrugging.

They kept on walking and by noon they got to the centre of fired. They knew they where at the centre when the intensity of the heat intensified.

At this point they where practically dragging themselves. Then they heard the shriek. High pitched and deafening. Ringing like a thousand echoes.

"Oh my deities!!" Pubry said clapping her hand over her mouth.

They where a swarm of animals with spikes and from their perspective, it looked like a big threats.

"Hey Kai. Got any information on these things?" Sollel said.

"I think they're mutated hedgehogs."

"Mutated what now?!" Pubry screamed and screamed even louder when the hedgehogs charged at them.

Fighting creatures is one thing. Fighting one with a stiff mode of defence is another. But fighting in the intense heat is just plain brutal.

They kept fighting until Sollel found their weak point which was under their belly.

When Kai and Pubry got thus information, it was way easier to defeat them this way, though along the line, they all got some injuries.

Pubry stared intensely at the dead hedgehogs while Sollel and Kai slumped on the scorching floor.

"It cant be a coincidence. They both live in dry scorching environments, they both have thick exterior, and their blood is the same texture and type, only a shade or two lighter."

"What in Tretta are you talking about" Sollel said still sitting abruptly on the floor.

Pubry didn't answer she just went on her knees and scooped the hedgehogs blood into a neat vile and wrote something in her notebook, earning wierd glances from Sollel and curious glances from Kai.

Sollel was about to say something when she heard a voice in a music form. She stood up and looked around her like a deer sensing danger.

"Sol? Are you okay? Whats wrong?"
Kai asked but it sounded like an echo to her because all she could hear was that melodious voice calling to her.

"Can you guys hear this?"

"Hear what?"


She ignored them and followed the voice. Pubry and Kai tried to talk to her but to no avail. They had no option than to follow her and find out what's going on. They helped her twice from hitting her head on trees.

Sollel kept on reaching out to the voice until it brought her to a cave. She kept on walking until the music abruptly stopped causing Sollel to snap out of her trap only to be faced with a brick wall.

"Dead end."

"Sol what just happened?"

"The voice.. You guys didn't hear it?"

"No." They both say shaking their heads.

"Well i wasn't imagining it and it brought us here for a reason."

"Maybe, but there's nothing here."

"Pubry, can i have that book named Sollel?"

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