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The next morning kai woke up to pain all over and the smell of grilled meat.

He stood up from the stone he was on and saw Pubry grilling meat.


"Kai!! You're awake! I was starting to get worried. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. Where's Sollel?"

Pubry pointed behind Kai causing him to turn and find Sollel lying on a blanket with a towel on her head.

"I got the blanket from her satchel"

"What happened to her?" Kai said rushing to her side and holding her hands which were hot.

"I have no idea why she's heating up but i do know she pulled you all the way from the centre of the forest and i think she's got a cold from walking in the rain"

"Pulling me? Walking in the rain? What the hell happened?"

"I should be asking you that question. I kept on trying to contact you but i wasn't getting any reply. I got worried and advanced into the forest and found Sollel looking like a Zombie and your unconscious self being pulled behind her"

"What in the world? Why would she do that? So stubborn"

"I don't think she was being stubborn. She figured it will be dangerous to leave you in the forest defenceless. So she did what she thought was right and it was to get you both out of the forest no matter what."

"Wow. I don't know what to say. That must have been tough. How hurt was she?"

"Well she had a snake bite which was not serious because there was no poison strangely. She also had bruises on her hand for pulling you. But the worse was an untreated injury on her thigh which looked like it was inflicted by a sword. It was starting to get infected and she was loosing blood. But she's better now, still a little feverish from walking under the rain though".

Kai grabbed her hand and stroked her cheek

"Strong and prudent. Selfless and persistent. Risking all to ensure the safety of the innocent. You are a star Sollel and you're going to restore the star, I'll be with you mate."

"Mate? What's going on?"

"Pubry I'm not human"

"What?! That explains a whole lot"

"What does it explain?"

"This" Pubry said bringing out a book from the satchel with her "I found this in an old library. This solves half of our problems. We're the acrene creatures sent to help Sollel bring peace to the world again"


"So you think Sol is Sollel's child?"


"And you think we are the two acrene creatures?"


"So you're saying----"

"Kai? Pubry?" Sollel said blinking her eyes to adgust to the light and groans when she feels a burning pain in her head. "My head!"

"Sollel! Are you okay?"

"Kai. You're okay! Thank the stars. For a moment there i thought i wont make it and you wont wake up" Sollel said still holding her head.

"I'm fine Sollel. I'm really fine, pubry is great at this stuff. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. But my body feels like its burning. It'll pass don't worry. Pubry? What book is that?"

"Oh this!. I found it in an old library"

Sollel reached out to the book and ran her hands through it.

"Sollel? Why would anyone name a book Sollel?"

"Its kind of your origin history"

"My origin history?" Sollel said opening the book and being filled with a sense of warmth reducing her body heat a little. There was complete silence for about seven minutes as she read the book.

"You think I'm Sollel's daughter?"

Pubry nodded her head.

"But that's impossible. I'm not special or anything. I'm just an over ambitious princess."

"Wrong! You're a brave woman who is going to liberate humanity and other creatures of the world from the curse of the mother of rain--

Sollel smiled.

-- After you eat and rest though" Kai said nudging her but stopped when the heat from her body scalded him.

"Sol you're body is so hot. There's a river nearby." Kai suggested

"I doubt it'll have any effect. I tried cooling her down with my essence earlier but it wasn't helping at all."
Pubry said looking as worried as Kai.

"Guys I'm fine relax. I just want a taste of that rabbit meat. I'm starving!"

"How'd you know it's rabbit?"

"I know my nose when it comes to meat." Sollel said winking causing pubry to chuckle.


After eating it was Already noon and Sollel excused herself to cool down a little bit.

"Mehn she's hot" Kai said.

"Huh!!" Pubry said widening her eyes and glaring at kai.

"No no no no no! I didn't mean it that way. I mean her body temperature is above normal."

"Oh i know but i have a hypothesis. But i still need to observe some more."

"Oh okay"

"By the way Kai. What did you mean when you called Sollel mate?"

"Well Like i said. I'm not human, I'm a wolf--


--and as a wolf when i find my mate I'll know. I knew Sollel was my mate the day i saw you guys at the guard house. But i don't want her to know."

"What why?"

"She's on a mission and doesn't need any unnecessary disturbance. I don't want to burden her with my emotions"

"So you think telling her how you feel is unnecessary."

"I find it time wasting. Please don't let her know. She's finally opening up to me, i don't want things to get wierd between us"

"Fine. But i still think its not right"..

"Trust me i know what I'm doing." Kai said and sat up when he saw Sollel coming from the distance. Pubry glanced at him and then diverted her gaze back to Sollel. There is a missing piece of a puzzle that needs to be found. She was sure.

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