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The rays from the egg shaped hole on the wooden wall blinded Kais eyes as it was directly facing his eyes.

With a groan he sat up and observed his surroundings. He was in a small compartment again. Alongside Pubry and Ezekiel who just like him, are also waking up, but for different reasons. Pubrys due to ants and Ezekiel due to pubrys hiss.

"Kai. Are you okay?"

"No not really. My head hurts and so does my ribs, but I'll heal fast. Where's Sollel" He says looking around observing for the first time that Sollel wasn't with them.

"I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know?!"

"The last thing I remember was that Damien guy telling his guards to take her to his chambers"

Kai growled at that, obviously pissed, his eyes turned black briefly with anger. But for some reason he couldn't feel his wolf. His face scrunched up in confusion as he tried and failed to feel his wolf.

"Kai? Are you okay?"

"I--i can't feel my wolf" He says worry and confusion lacing his handsome face.

Pubry looks confused for some seconds, but as if feeling their surroundings, her eyes widen in realisation.

"There's wolfsbane in your system and the environment" She says looking annoyed.

"What on earth!!" Kai exclaimed, clearly petrified.

"We have to get out of here" Ezekiel says speaking up for the first time since the conversation began.

"We need a plan." Pubry says looking between Ezekiel and Kai, as she was in between them.

"If we eventually find a way out of here. We go with part of Sol's original plan. Pubry you find information, Zeke help her heal the wraiths and I'll stay here and help Sollel."

"I don't know Kai. I think we should all go, find information, get equipped, then all come back for Sol."

"But I can't just leave her here!"

"Kai! You're not strong thanks to the wolfsbane, so we can't leave you here. Besides Sollel's a fighter and I'm pretty sure she can handle herself" Pubry says with a firm tone.

"But you saw that bastard. He's strong"

"Trust me you being here will only worry Sollel."

"Fine. But we better hurry and get back"

"Yes yes I know. Now guys, step aside. The elf of Nurtacia has regained part of her strength. On count three, you run" She says and effortlessly wriggling her hands free.

She stands up and takes a stand, green light envelopes her as she controls it and directs it till it turns into a large ball, which she pushes towards the walls of the prison, causing it to blast open.

"Three! Run!" She says taking off with Kai and Ezekiel hot on her heels.

Back in Damien's chambers, Sollel finally wakes up and looks around her with confusion etched on her face.

She tries to remember where she is and how she got here, when the large wooden doors creak open and the prince walks in.

"You!" Sollel says growling.

"What happend to me?" Damien says with an amused expression on his face.

"Where am I?! Where are my friends" She says clenching the bed sheets in her fists and glaring at him.

"Oh relax fiesty" He says sitting down on a wooden rocking chair opposite her.

"What do you want from me?!"

"Hmm what do I want? They're a lot of things I want princess"

She looks taken aback for a second.

"How do you know I'm a princess?!"

"If I'm a prince then you're a princess. Well owing to the fact that you're the daughter of Sollel."

She doesn't reply. She just glares at him with slight confusion swimming in her eyes.

"Huh. Sollel, your mother, wasn't only a god, but a queen"

"That still doesn't explain why you and Ranel want me here."

"Oh it's easy honey" Ranel says walking in in a black and white flowing gown. "The original plan was to kill you. But you can be useful after all. Right brother?"

"Right." Damien says with a smirk.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Sollel spat annoyed at the fact that she couldn't really do anything at the moment.

"Your presence is surprisingly helping my kingdom. Fortunately and unfortunately. Fortunately in the sense that. Our powers increase with you around, our harvest is a hundred times better, and your presence is keeping Batners from getting in. Unfortunately in the sense that. I don't get to watch you die. You daughter of a bitch."

"Watch. Your. Tongue." Sollel says suddenly getting up and holding Ranels throat.

Two guards rush in and rip her away.

"Bitch!!!" Ranel says holding her neck.

"Ranel.. leave this to me. I'll handle it." Damien says still crossing his legs on the rocking chair with an amused expression.

Ranel looks at him for a second, then turns and glares at Sollel before walking away with her guards right behind her.

Sollel stood there with clenched fists and a thousand and one thoughts playing through her mind.

"I need to leave here" she mumbles to herself and heads towards the door.

"Not so fast princess" Damien says finally getting up and pulling her towards himself.

She turns and glares at him while he smiles down at her.

"Is it odd that you look dangerously beautiful when you're angry?"

Sollel drags her hand out of his, still holding his gaze.

"Look. I don't know what your plan is. But you should know that you can't keep me here. How does it bother me that my presence helps you Huh?"

"Hmmm. Your voice is like music to my ears" he says pulling her close to himself

That set off Sollels ticking bomb and she slaps him. Everywhere goes completely silent. Only the tingles left from the slap and the red print on Damiens face shows something just happened.

Damiens face is turned to the side due to the force of the slap while Sollel glares at him. He clenches his jaw and turns back to her in anger.

"Okay that's it." He drags her by her wrists out of the room and towards the end of the hallway. She trashes and pushes him to let her go but he keeps on walking.

After a while he opens the door to a tiny room with only one bed and nothing else. Not even windows.

He throws her in, breathing heavily.

"You stay here!" He says raising his voice for the first time this morning.

"Let me go you psychopath." She says trying to push past him but he pushes her and she hits her head on the bed frame.

"Psychopath? Psychopath?! So because I want you I'm now a psychopath?. No I don't think so. Whether you like it or not. You're stuck with me forever!" He says his voice breaking at the last part.

He shuts the door with force, locking it and marching away in anger.

Sollel could hear his retreating footsteps but she couldn't clearly process everything, as her vision was becoming blurry from the way she hit her head.

She could feel something hot running down her face, and a throbbing on her head. She reached up to the spot and passed out when she saw her whole hand covered in blood.

Hey guys!!!

So far so good right?.
Sorry for the late update. I was occupied with my final exams.

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