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The general busted into the room meeting an empty room and a giant hole in the wall.

"Shit!" He yelled slamming his fists in the wall denting it a little.

"I knew i should have thrown her into the prison. But i felt since she was hurt she couldn't escape.. And now she has!" He said turning around in anger. He walked towards the guards outside.

"Get ready. We're gonna find her. She hasn't gone very far i suppose" he says walking to the stables to get his horse.

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"What in the world?"


"Don't shush me. What are you doing here"

"Rescuing you" he says whispering.

"I do not need rescuing"

He looked at her for sometime then shrugged.

"Okay bye. See ya"

"Wait. Huh. Fine, i do need rescuing"

"Say please"


"Come on princess."

"Is this the time and place for this drama?"

"Huh. Fine. Gimme your hand"

She takes his hand and he pulls her out from the hole.

"Let's go" he said dragging her hand looking around to make sure no one saw.

••• ċʊʀʀɛռtʟʏ •••

"I was going to do it myself. Be my own hero do my own thing, find my way and...."

"You talk a lot" Kai said cutting her off.

"No i do not. Take that back"


"Kai whatever your surname is. I will not tolerate..... " "hey"


Kai said clasping her mouth shut with his hands. He listened carefully and he heard hoofs of horses.

He pulled Sollel to him. Into a crack in the tree. And the crack was very small causing it to be so tight.

"Hey what gives?" Sollel said whispering. Which came out muffled because her faced was pressed to kai's shirt.

"Shhh. People are coming"

They stayed silent until they heard the horses hoofs pass by.

"Phew. That was close. Now how do we get out of here?"

They struggled for a minute until their weight expanded the crack.

As they came out. Almost immediately Sollel was bitten by a green snake.

"Ow!" She screamed. Kai looked around and saw a stone, using it to kill the snake before turning to face Sollel.

"Are you okay?"

"No not really"

"We need to get you to pubry which is impossible because.. We can't"


"Long story" kai said bending down and sucking the bad blood from the bite and spitting it out.

Sollel looked at him in disbelief. And a small smile tugged her lips.

"There that should do it" he said wiping his mouth.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome" he said smiling." Can you walk"

She could very much walk but she wasn't giving up the opportunity to be carried by Kai.

"No?" She said smiling mischievously

They walked for sometime before something hit Sollel.

"Kai. How did you know where I was?"


Pubry finally reached her grandma's house.

"Grandma" she said running into her arms.

"Dear child. Where have you been? I was so worried."

"I'm fine mother and i met the cara"

"The cara? How did you know she was the cara?"

"I saw in a book that on the Cara's lower back, there's a rose and dagger tattoo. I saw it on princess Sollel"

"Princess Sollel? As in the daughter of king Adral?"

"Yes grandma. And she needs my help to save everyone"

"You're right my child. How can i help?"

"Do you have any book that gives any information on 'fired'?"

"Fired? Why?"

"Please grandma you have to trust me on this. I need your help."

"Huh!, i do have one or two books hidden away in the inner library but i doubt you'll find anything useful in it. It's just almost the same thing your teachers taught you"

"I still need to see it grandma"

"Fine. Come with me. And don't make a single sound"

She followed her grandma into a dark part of the house, with series of spiral steps going downstairs.

"Is it underground?" Pubry asked barely above a whisper

Her grandma nodded and they kept on going in silence.

Pubry took the opportunity to observe the place. It looked like a cave but with strange drawings on the wall. She stopped when she saw the drawing of the fymph they fought in the desert.

"Grandma?.. What is this?" She said pointing at the Fymph. Her grandma stopped and turned to her.

"That's a fymph. They're thousands of years old and only few exist in the world. The first one was killed by a wraith."

"A wraith? What does this mean."

"I have no idea. Let's go" she said proceeding forward. Pubry made a mental note to research about the Fymph later on.

The fymph was extinct, so one was in the desert for a reason. The drawing was on this ancient cave for a reason. The first one was killed by a wraith for a reason. And she had to find out.

"Here we are." Her grandma said stopping in front of a grey door with a golden handle. She twisted the knob in a coded way before it creaked open.

The room was small and books were nearly stacked on the shelves. As they walked in the smell of old books hit their nose.

"Okay tots. Search but do not scatter. If you're hungry come up. I'm making pasta"

"Yes grandma"

Pubry sat down on the chair and started flipping through the books on the table.

"This wont do" she said standing up and looking through the shelves for anything useful.

She searched for over thirty minutes and any book she found was just saying the same thing: it was a place that no one could cross.

She was about to give up when she saw a book with a golden cover and brown outline. The book caught her eye and she took it out of the shelf and dropped it when she saw the title of the book. 'Sollel'


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