7. Find a new location

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"All right, there's absolutely nothing in this place we can take anymore."

"We're worse than vultures."

"No one has come this far," Misuk informs. "That's why the teachers and I settled here. We thought it would be best for the children," he explains, helping to arrange the passing food.

They decided to use one of the jeeps to simply loot until there was nothing left in the convenience stores. Namjoon cured himself of guilt, thinking why not take it all with so many people here? They need it and it's a reality. Even with rationing, it can't possibly last too long. Soups go for three children depending on their appetite, two adults each and generally even start to take exact inventory.

"But where did they come from?" asks Hoseok in confusion. He thought they were from here. Not that they traveled all the way here.

"Me? I was from Chuncheon" The five turn their heads abruptly. "We came all the way here because it was less cold. Many children froze and died" he explains regretfully, pausing for a moment in what he is doing. "Even my mother died of cold... it was impossible to be there."

"Is it that cold...?" muses Namjoon worriedly, "but you understand that the cold is what keeps them from moving right?" The girl shakes her head in amazement. "We're going towards Chuncheon because of that. It's safer to stay in a cold area than a warm one. They move more regularly in the heat despite having sun-sensitive skin."

"I-I didn't know anything about that. We were just hiding from them."

Jin scratches his head with a finger. It's a bit annoying to have to explain the same thing to several people. It's amazing that they know so much about how the disease works. They can blame it on Jimin or on having read so many documents at the abandoned military base. Whatever the answer is, it is a fact that they possess more knowledge than the rest.

Not so in human terms. Who seem to fight over who is the worst enemy to fear. If they had to give Namjoon a choice, he would say it is the still conscious and breathing people; except for Hoseok who maintains neutrality, the others would say it is the Yagtalja.

"Where were they? We didn't see you even by accident."

"We were hiding in a gym. It was very good because of the doors it had," Misuk replies. "Although, Ahna-sonsengnim wanted to go to a school. She said it was a better place to hide because it had several classrooms, common areas, tables, everything you need. Like a commune."

Namjoon muses that it might be a good idea. Going to a large, multi-story school might be what they need. It would include a barrier to keep them isolated from the outside. Easy to guard, easy to build inside and ideal for organizing. Maybe welcome more people who want to belong and appreciate the idea of a good community without attacking or starving others.

Basically, Namjoon formulates in his mind to do everything that what was not done in Gimpo airport and Junghwa group. Flying a little high in his aspirations, but being necessary with how close the destination is.

He starts coughing and is forced to sit down. He coughs so much that he covers it with his whole hand and folds in on himself. He clears his throat and notices Jungkook staring at him suspiciously.

"Are you sick?"

"I think I caught a cold." admits Namjoon and coughs again, this time less loudly.

Jungkook doubts it's something as small and as basic as a cold. He is so pale, shaky and haggard that he looks like he has a serious walking sickness. As the hours pass, moving at least a little through the day, Namjoon becomes worse. Reddening, getting dizzy and taking a nap in order to relieve the unbearable symptoms.

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