29. Bad news

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"I want to make something very clear."

With over a hundred people, Namjoon feels very uncomfortable with what they are going to do now. The urge to call a group meeting and talk about the situation having more caffeine than blood in his veins; it was much bigger than him. Jin agreed. It is no longer possible to tell whether because he truly agreed, or because he did not want to cause conflict. Behind him in a car is the very colorful character who infiltrated (to call him in some way). They're going to be taken care of. This is precisely the reason for the meeting.

"We are not judges, we are not clergymen, we are not saints or anything like that," he begins, wanting to make it as clear as possible. "We are just six people wanting to do things right. Wanting to help as we would have liked to be helped." Hoseok looks down and sways on his feet, "that's why we made the decision to leave out and "Secured" Seung Pa-Laek." The murmurs, as usual, begin. "The reason is simple."

"Maybe it's overkill." a teenage girl comments sheepishly, and Namjoon shakes his head. He bites his cheeks for a moment.

"If anyone imprisoned for corruption, theft, debts, fines or anything simple comes here We'll receive they like anyone else!" states Namjoon and it's true. Having at least ten who committed a crime in what now feels like the old world, "but if your crime was murder, harassment or rape... We won't allow them to stay and also not have the opportunity to return for revenge" The discomfort grows. "I've already lived what it's like to be among murderers and the worst scum of all."

Taehyung licks his lips and bites them, hands clenched.

"And I won't give it a chance to happen again." The firmness in Namjoon is just intimidating. No one wants to get on his bad side. Not for having lived through it, just having overheard an argument without context with someone. His shouting and subsequent attitude exposed a bad character and worse, that there is a devastating force inside him. Sleeping and hidden by the Idol's scholarly and calm side. Not to mention that Namjoon convinces anyone. He speaks so well that it's impossible not to get him on your side. "We should be nice, not stupid Is that understood?"

There is an acceptance to his explanation and with that, Jungkook gets into the car. He along with Mingi and Yoongi will be the ones to take over. Namjoon rubs his brow. He needs another coffee.

. . .

"You can't just leave me here! YOU CAN'T! PLEASE!"

"I almost feel sorry for him," Yoongi admits, putting a cigarette between his lips. "Then I remember the news, the trial and it brings me joy to know that it's fucked up." he admits with an unfunny laugh. He lights the cigarette and lets out a cloud of smoke.

He finds that smoking takes away some of his anxiety. Mingi stirs uncomfortably. The three of them lean against the car several meters away from where they threw the reject from the group. Jungkook bites his cheeks and shakes his head.

"Let's go. Some of them have arrived."

Yoongi nods and climbs into the car, Mingi in the back and Jungkook as the driver. When a couple of Yagtalja are already there, they drive off. There's no way they won't kill him. On the way something strange happens. Jungkook gives a horrifying brake because of the car driving past them. Being a huge and almost anomalous van they recognize very well. Out the window comes Yeou's long arm, waving and leaving them behind. Jungkook briefly pulls out the bill.

Ah... It's been a month and he's really here. Impressive.

~ * * * ~

"Very good morning my esteemed customers!" greets Yeou grandly. "How much I missed you all this month of travel! I also see that it was quite useful the information I gave. This place feels so much more alive."

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